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“So, what about Orcs?”

Dree smirks again, his eyes cutting to Glavior. I pretend not to see the exchange and watch Dree with a curious expression. Glavior grunts something that sounds like ‘don’t’ but both of us ignore him.

“Orcs are easy, They are Matriarchal, so the women are the instigators in those pairings. Usually, the man will show interest by giving underhanded comments to the women, when she has enough of the veiled insults, and feels the need to claim the man, she will get physically violent.”

My brows raise in surprise. I never realized that Orcs are so physical.

“Yeah, it can be a bit off putting for most other species, which is why Orcs don’t usually breed outside of their species. A half-breed Orc is so rare that for a long time, many people thought it was impossible.”

“So how are half breeds different?”

“It really depends on what they are mixed with. If it's a creature that is equally violent in their courtships, then nothing. However, if they are mixed with a gentler creature, then the men will show an interest with comments, but really, they are just submissive with their mates. I do mean true submissives. An orc male, full bred or half, will never initiate sex with their mate. When the bond is completed, orcs are some of the most loyal and caring mates ever noted.”

My mind is whirling with the new information. I glance at Glavior and see his face is pointed at the ground and his cheeks are dark blue. He seems really embarrassed, but I don’t know why. It’s not like I couldn’t have figured it out on my own. Maybe it is the fact that Dree is telling me, but I don’t particularly care. Glavior will get over it.

“Well that sounds fun.” I comment, wanting to make Glavior feel better but not apologizing for making him feel uncomfortable.

“Can we please talk about something other than mating?” Cerise asks, adjusting himself in his jeans.

“Yeah, if my dick gets any harder, I’ll be leaving a trail in the dirt.” Onyx says, adjusting himself as well.

Yeah right! Syrinox signs, smirking at the twins. I’m not sure if you know, but your dicks have to be big to drag the ground. I’ve seen what you guys are working with and I feel bad for Astra as your mate.

Everyone in the group freezes for a second. That is the first time any of them alluded to me being their mate. I mean, I know that they are all my mates, my magic has made that very clear, but this is the first time any of them have actually said it. There's an awkward silence as everyone looks at each other, trying to decide how we all feel about what was just said.

Fowlynn, being the perfect Familiar that he is, chooses that moment to fly in and land on my shoulder. He breaks the silence up, tilting his head so it rests against my temple. Fowlynn caws out, nodding to all five men before jostling his wings until he is comfortably resting on my shoulder.

“Hello, Fowlynn, I’m glad you could come. I’m so sorry to pull you away from Gynnie.” I say, stroking his head and back.

Don’t worry about it. She was getting tired of me anyhow. She says I’m too caring when we’ve been away from each other too long and she needs a break from our break.

I laugh, shaking my head at his antics. This bird is ridiculous. “So, are we expecting chicks come spring?”

Not this time, though not for lack of trying.

He smarts off and I swear his eyes gleam with mischief. I’m not sure how he can be so expressive, but I think even the guys can see the male pride on his face because they all laugh with me like they could hear him as clearly as I did.

“Way to go man!” Cerise says

“Yeah, you gotta give her a reason to miss you when you’re gone bro.” Onyx chimes in.

Oh, she knows what she is missing for sure. I figure another month away will be a perfect amount of time to have her preening my feathers when I get home, if you know what I mean.

Oh, yuck, I do not want to hear about Familiar sex! The guys all laugh and I’m taken aback. I could write off the last time as them reading his body language, but now, I’m sure they can all hear him.

“Wait, you guys can hear him?”

All five of them nod, and Dree, once again, is the one with the answers. “When someone with a Familiar has mates, the familiar can interact with the mates like they are his charge, even if the bond isn’t fully formed.”

He spouts so matter of factly that I don’t even realize he outed all of us as mates for a minute. I really think about his words, digest them and figure out what the implications of that neat trick is before I pause again.

“Holy shit, Dree. Did you just subtly suggest that all of you are my mates?”

Dree glances over his shoulder at me, confusion in his gaze. “Yes, I thought we all knew that by now.”

“Yeah but”

“But what, Little Pixie?” Glavior asks, he too seems genuinely confused about what the issue is.
