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Chapter 12

The guys and I take off around midday, going through town so we can pick up some supplies that we may need for the trip. Glavior insisted on toting my bags, the extra weight not seeming to slow him down at all. The twins don’t have a bag at all and I wonder how they always seem to have shit when they don’t carry anything.

“Yeah, Ahazu and I don’t have the same mates.” I explain the difference between the hounds and Az and I. “The rest of it, yes, to an extent, but not the mate thing.”

“The mate thing isn’t because they’re twins.” Dree says as he walks over to us with Syrinox. They both have sticks of meat in their hands and they pass them out, giving three to Glavior who walks up from the other direction with two more packs on his shoulders. “It’s because they are hounds. Hellhounds mate in packs, usually siblings mating the same woman to continue their line. Female hounds are hard to find, and most of them are infertile, so when a Hellhound finds their mate, it usually is within a different species, so it’s hard wired in their DNA that any biological children conceived by a Hound as either mother or more likely father, they will be hounds.”

“How do you know all this?” I ask Dree, trying desperately to ignore all the talk of mates.

“My family was in charge of the knowledge of the species. I’ve studied every species that came to Earth during the great migration.”

Oh, because that isn’t a brag at all. I roll my eyes and turn to go to the next stall. I see Syrinox’s hands moving and watch what he has to say. I’ve spent a lot longer than I want to admit watching youtube and having Az practice with me to learn his words and the more he signs, the more I understand. It's a fascinating language, one that uses the person’s whole body to communicate. A facial expression can change a sign’s entire meaning. Every minute detail, from what hand a person uses to whether they rotate their pinky left or right means something, changes a word or phrase. It's beautiful.

“It’s a shadow pocket.” Cerise says. He digs his hand into the pocket of his pants and pulls out coins to pay for the dry rations we’re getting.

“We have a unique gift with shadows, fire, and blades. We can also shift into our hound forms at will.” Onyx continues the conversation, even though he just walked over from a different stall, well out of hearing range. I cock a brow, looking between the twins.

“We share a soul, literally. I’m sure you and your brother are the same.” Onyx says, and Cerise picks up the thought.

“We can feel what the other feels, hear each other's thoughts. If Onyx gets hurt, I’ll know it because I’ll feel his pain.”

“If Cerise has an idea, I can tell the group because I can hear his thoughts.”

The two of them speak together, sending chills down my spine at the weird layered voice. “We will mate with the same woman because we are one and the same.”

I don’t think she was impressed with your know it all routine, Dree. Maybe you should try something else. I say you bend her over-

“You do know I can understand you now, right?’ I ask before he can finish the lude comment he was about to make.

I’ve found that Syrinox likes to make sexual comments a lot because not many people outside of his friend group can understand his words. Me knowing the twisted shit he keeps saying to the guys is throwing him off. I actually think most of it is hilarious and a tiny, I mean tiny little piece of me kind of wishes one of them would actually do some of the things he says. Or, when he is teasing Glavior, that I would pluck up the courage to do them.

Yeah I do. So Dree, you should bend her over the next stall and spank her ass before fucking her sensless to show her how amazing she is.

I can’t help but laugh at his craziness. He seems to have gotten over the shock of me knowing what he is saying now, and he hasn’t changed a thing. I love it. Syrinox is fun. He tries to keep everyone’s mood positive and he teases the guys and me like he is a brother, not that I look at him and think brother, but the gist is the same.

“Or,” I say, turning to walk backwards so I can keep us moving but still watch Syrinox’s face. “You could take me and make them watch as you make me come and claim me as your mate first. That way you can be in charge of the decisions for the group that I don’t want to make.”

Syrinox’s face is PRICELESS. His eyes just about pop out of his head and his chin falls to his chest. Glavior actually growls and takes a step towards me as if he is going to do exactly what I suggested. The twins both pout then shoot death glares at the Siren. Dree just smirks and summons a long piece of grass that he starts twirling in his fingers.

Turning my back on the group again, I hold in my laughter when Glavior grumbles. The twins start whining about wanting to mate me first and I snicker. Dree hums in his chest and the song is one I didn’t expect the laid back man to know, Like a Virgin by Madonna. When the tune finally registers in my mind, I can’t hold the laughter back. It's such a subtle tease to Syrinox’s reaction to my unexpected words.

This trip may be fun after all.

I take it back!

It’s been two days since we left my village to start our hike to the Keep and the guys are driving me fucking insane. Glavior walks around with his head down, tip-toeing around me like he is afraid to piss me off. Yet, he is the first to jump if I even mention needing something done. Last night I said I hated sleeping on the ground and the foolishly sweet man tried to give me his sleeping bag to use as a mattress.

The twins are almost as bad as Glavior. They hover around me, playing with my hair, offering to carry me, and practically shoving random bits of food into my mouth. The two of them are going to smother me with care before we even make it halfway to the keep. I know they are trying to prove their worth, Dree explained about Hellhound courting a bit as we walked, but I really need them to back the fuck up or I’m going to lose it.

Syrinox seems to have taken my joke as an invitation to open season on sex suggestions. I’m in a constant state of being horny and there is no easy way to ease the need because I’m surrounded by these men all day and night. I swear if the man doesn’t stop saying sexual things, I will not be held responsible for jumping him.

Dree is the only one I don’t want to murder right now. He has spent the last few days educating me on the different creatures in the world. He is like an endless pool of knowledge about supernatural creatures and humans alike.

“So,” I say, as we step over another creek in the woods. “Unicorns are real and they mate by … rubbing their horns together?”

Dree nods as Syrinox starts moving his hands. I cut him off before he can make his sex joke, honestly not in the mood to walk around in wet panties for the rest of the day.

“I swear to the Goddess, Nox, if you make one sex joke today I will tie you to a tree, cover your flesh in Honey and see how much of you is left on our way back.” I glare at the Siren who slowly lowers his hands and takes a step back. Dree chuckles as the other four men try to subtly move further from me, but still in close range.
