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The twins are cutting up fruit, watching Dree chase Glavior around, both of them still wearing the same tight leather pants I first saw them in, but pair them with loose cotton shirts that can be tied at the chest or left open like they have them now. A red family crest is stitched into the back of the material and I can clearly see Hecate's symbol, a circle with a labyrinth in the side of it bookended by two crescent moons, with a dagger going horizontally through the whole symbol. The two of them never take their eyes off Glavior and Dree, but somehow they avoid chopping off a finger as they continue to cut up fruit.

Syrinox seems to have taken over whatever Glavior was doing when he got burned, completely ignoring the other men in the room. He is wearing tight black leather pants, a fishnet tank top in pastel green, and a pair of black sandals. His head is bobbing back and forth as he stirs something in his head. I’m not sure what he is cooking, but it smells amazing.

“Wow, I think you win the mate pool, girlie.” Dallie whispers in my ear, making me jump into the air.

I was so distracted watching the men in the kitchen, that I didn’t hear my best friend coming down the back stairs. I turn my head and glare at her, but she just smirks back at me and turns her face to see the kitchen again. The oblivious men still haven’t noticed us in the doorway. Az, Boo, and Elizis walk in, making Dallie sigh happily as they jump in to help the others. Az walks into Glavior pacing lane and says nothing as he holds a hand out in front of himself.

The sight is quite hilarious because Glav is a good two, two and half feet taller than Az and easily twice as wide, yet his eyes widen in what almost seems like fear at my younger brother. Slowly, with a deep scowl, Glavior passes his burnt hand to Az. Az takes a look at the burn and shakes his head. Years of knowing Az tells me he is exasperated, but I’m sure Glavior thinks Az is pissed. Glavior’s cheeks turn dark blue as Az mumbles a spell over his hand. The relief is clear on Glavior’s face as he stares at his hand for a second. Slowly, he lifts his head and smirks at Az, then nods his head.

I chuckle, but it must have been louder than Dallie talking because suddenly, everyone in the kitchen is staring at us. I cross my arms under my boobs and prop a hip on the doorway, Dallie mimics my pose and I swear I see stars in all the guys eyes. I can feel my heart quaking at the way the guys look at me, so I roll my eyes and scoff, hoping to make my own feelings go away.

“You didn’t burn breakfast as bad as your hand did you, Giant Orc?” The smart ass tone I use has Glavior huffing and crossing his own arms over his chest.

Syrinox starts signing and thanks to Az’s quick lessons last night, I finally understand what he is saying.

Don’t come in your panties at her tone of voice Glav.

“Don’t be a dick, Syrinox. Put the food on the table, we have work to do.” With that, I turn my back on my guys’ shocked faces and smirk at Dallie as we walk to the table, her following my lead like she usually does.

Chapter 11

I may be a Sadist. Maybe just a little.

Ever since Syrinox made that snippy comment in the kitchen, I’ve been using a more commanding tone with Glavior just to see how he would react. Needless to say, I’ve figured out that the Orc is quite the little submissive when it comes to me. I’ve seen the guys get strong toned with him and it is like he is ready to rip their heads off, but when I do it … When I use a firm voice with Glavior, or give him a direct order, he almost trips over himself to do whatever it is I told him to do.

Now, instead of listening to Dallie tell a story about their three months away, I’m playing all the different ways I can use Glavior’s submissiveness in the bedroom. Dirty, dirty thoughts play in my mind and my pussy is wet. I wouldn’t be surprised if there’s a stain on the chair when I get up.

The twins keep sniffing the air and scooting their chairs closer to me, their eyes full of fire and heat as they stare at the side of my face. Cerise keeps adding more food to my plate and Onyx has refilled my juice three times. The two of them are like eager puppies trying to please their master, and it isn’t helping with the little fantasies I have playing in my head. I wouldn’t say I’m a Domme per se, but the thought of being in charge in the bedroom is a very delicious one.

Everyone is done eating, just sitting around the table talking and laughing. My heart feels … light. Like this is exactly what life is supposed to be. I don’t like it. It has to stop, immediately.

“Okay, come on guys, we have shit to do. Az, can you guys clean up?” I stand and stare at my brother who smirks, but nods his head.

With that, I turn and walk out of the room, knowing good and well the guys will follow. Dree dashes past me and runs up the stairs while I go into the hall behind the stairs and past the kitchen doorway to my office. Az has an office on the other side of the house that mirrors this one. My office is beautiful, spacious but intimate with the black walls. The wall facing the back is a giant window with seamless double glass doors in the middle. When the doors are closed, you can’t tell they are there. The walls on either side of the door to the house have floor to ceiling bookshelves filled with my smut collection. Directly across from the window wall currently covered with thick black black-out curtains, is a massive fireplace with beanbags and short end tables that make it the perfect cozy sitting area. Across the room from the bookshelves is my desk that is bookended by more bookshelves, these filled with magic books and research material for my missions. Everything from atlases, to all the family trees I could get my hands on, including royalty and commoners.

The guys look around the room, a breathless Dree dragging in last. Glavior wanders over to my smut collection and his brows raise, an impressed look crossing his face before he quickly sinks his lips back into his signature scowl. The twins are drawn to the research selves, looking through the books and touching tombs older than they are. Syrinox plops into a beanbag chair as Dree lights the fireplace then walks over to the window wall and pulls the curtain back enough to see the view.

“Let’s go, we have a lot to discuss and plans to make. You can rummage through my shit when we know how we’re getting to the Dragon.”

The guys make their way over to the bean bag chairs. There isn’t enough for all of us to have our own, and I’m the last one there, so I’m stuck having to decide who to sit with. All of them are looking at me expectantly and I glance around, my mind going back and forth trying to see what would cause the least amount of backlash. Syrinox is the only one not looking like he wants me to sit with him, so of course, he is who I decide.

The other guys seem almost desperate for my attention, but Syrinox seems to be doing anything and everything he can to not draw my attention. I plop down in the chair beside him, but because of the way the chairs work, I'm thrown into his side. Our bodies are pressed together from shoulder to hip and my leg is practically on top of his, basically sitting in his lap. Syrinox’s hands start flying, moving so fast I miss a few things, but I do see the signs for ‘gods’ ‘crazy woman’ and ‘death’. I snicker, but ignore him.

The other guys are all grumbling, but one glance from me and they shift around their seats. Dree is the one that breaks the awkward silence that follows me sitting, and I lean back to get more comfortable, pressing even closer to the siren.

“So, we have a quest to eliminate the man dubbed as Dragon. He is known in the criminal world as the ‘boss of bosses’. Basically, everything we’ve found on him,” Dree hands me a three ring binder filled about half way with papers and pictures before he continues his explanation. “Suggests he is the leader of multiple pedophilia rings. From what we gather, he kidnaps children young, like one or two years old. He keeps them in barely livable huts in a place called the Slum. When they hit six years old, he starts their ‘training’,”

Dree visibly shutters at the thought. I’m flipping through the book, looking at faces of men I’ve killed in the last few months, a few I’ve heard of before. There are pages and pages of pictures of missing children, some of them have a death or found date on them along with disgusting photos of what they looked like when their bodies were found. It’s awful, brutal, and the thought of anyone doing this to a child has my vision turning red and the blood in my veins boiling.

Glavior takes over where Dree left off. “Most of the kids found, well, their bodies were returned to the families that reported them missing, and none of them were over the age of 18. It’s really fucked up. The men in the binder are his underlings, the men that handle the dirty work. We’ve noticed that a lot of the names associated with him are dropping dead before we get to them.”

Syrinox taps me on the shoulder then starts signing slowly, adding to what the others have said already.

We’ve been able to locate the village where the children are kept and sold, as well as the stronghold where Dragon does all his work from. We have a plan to get into the stronghold, but we need one more person, someone with the skills to actually take out the target and get back out without being seen.

I nod my head, taking in all the information they’ve given me and what I’ve read in the binder, the twins start talking as I keep flipping through the book.

“Glavior said he knew someone that could help us from his days at the academy.” Cerise starts.
