Page 68 of Undeniably His

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“I’ll go slow, sweet Jane.” He watched her face as he pushed in slowly.

“Christ, you’re so tight,” he muttered. “Am I hurting you?”

“No,” she said.

He pushed a little deeper. Her walls stretched to accommodate his width, and she reminded herself to breathe as he moved steadily forward. When he was fully sheathed, she felt stuffed full of his cock.

“Don’t move yet, okay?” she said.

“Trust me,” he said, “if I move right now, I’ll seriously embarrass myself.”

That made her giggle, and he groaned a curse. “Don’t squeeze like that.”

“I’m sorry,” she said.

He took a few deep breaths before propping himself up on his hands. “Are you good?”

“Yes,” she said.

“Thank God,” he said almost to himself.

As he began a slow slide and retreat, Jane braced her feet on the bed and slipped her hands around his narrow waist. She met each of his strokes with a thrust of her hips, and he made a low groan. “You feel so good, Jane.”

He started to move harder and faster, and she bit her bottom lip as every nerve ending lit up with a crackling snap. Her fingers dug into his hard flesh as he pressed his mouth against her ear.

“I want you to come on my cock. Do you need your clit rubbed?”

She shook her head, unable to catch her breath long enough to form words. The thickness of his cock, the grind of his pelvis against her clit with every down stroke, was more than enough to make her come.

She clamped her legs around his hips as her orgasm began a slow build in her belly. He was pounding her into the mattress now, making her small cries of pleasure cut out with every thrust. Her entire body trembled and then suddenly stiffened as she arched beneath him, and her pussy clamped around his cock. Her climax shook her body, and she clung to Luke as his long strokes turned short and erratic.

He made a hoarse shout, slamming into her and pinning her against the bed as his head fell back. He ground his pelvis against hers and shuddered wildly. She watched as a look of bliss crossed his face before he pressed his body against hers and buried his face in her neck. She stroked his back and kissed his shoulder as his hot breath washed over her throat.

After a moment, he rolled off of her. He disposed of the condom and then collapsed on his back before yawning.

“Should I go?” Jane asked.

He turned on his side and scowled at her. “No. You’re staying the night.”

“I can go,” Jane said. “I’m not expecting - ”

He made a loud grunt of displeasure before tugging her into his arms. She rested her head on his chest, listening to the steady thud of his heart beneath her ear. His big hand rubbed her back in slow circles.

“Go to sleep, Jane.” He yawned again.

“Good night, Luke.”

He muttered a goodnight in return, and within seconds, his hand had stopped circling her back, and his breathing was deep and even. She listened to the beat of his heart as contentment washed over her. It was so lovely to be with someone again, so nice to have a warm body to sleep against and a –

Don’t, Jane. Don’t start thinking that way. He’s your boss, not your boyfriend. In the morning, you tell him this was great, but you can’t do this again. Remember what happened the last time you dated your boss?

Cold tendrils of fear licked at the base of her spine. Her inner voice was right. She had to stop sleeping with Luke. It was dangerous and stupid of her. In the morning, she would tell him this was a one-time thing, and he’d be okay with that. What guy didn’t like to sleep with a girl with no strings attached?

Tomorrow, all this would end, and she’d be alone in her bed, but for now, she would take advantage of the situation and snuggle her ass off. She curled closer to Luke, putting her arm around his waist and kissing his broad chest. His hand moved to her hip and squeezed lightly.

“S’okay?” he muttered.

“Yes,” she whispered. “Go to sleep, Luke.”
