Page 67 of Undeniably His

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He said nothing else, and she traced her fingers over his broad shoulder. “I had one about you too.”

He sat up and opened the nightstand drawer. She watched as he opened the condom package and rolled the condom over his dick before returning to his side next to her.

“Will you tell me about your dream?” she asked.

“Tell me about yours first,” he said.

“It was the day I fell asleep on the couch in your office. I dreamt that we were in a room together and you had all this food for me on a table. It was all my favourite food, and I was so hungry. You said I could eat as much as I wanted, but I had to kiss you first as a thank you.”

She blushed softly. “It’s why I kissed you when I woke up. I – I thought I was still dreaming, and I was starving and wanted the food.”

He laughed, and she could have slapped herself in the head. “I also really wanted to kiss you, too, though.”

“I wanted to kiss you as well.” He nuzzled her neck, and she lifted her head so he could press a kiss against her soft skin.

“Tell me about yours,” she said.

He paused before leaning over her and sucking at her nipple. She moaned as desire and need blossomed in her belly again.

“It’s not sweet like your dream.” He nipped at the soft underside of her breast.

She jerked and clutched at his head. “T-that’s okay. Tell me.”

His hand circled her belly button again before moving lower. “You needed a place to stay. I brought you to my house – to my bedroom - and told you that you had new job duties.”

His fingers tugged at her curls before slipping lower. She spread her thighs and moaned when his fingers brushed against her clit. “Wh-what were they?”

“Taking my cock into your tight pussy,” he whispered into her ear as his finger slid into her throbbing core.

“Oh God,” she whispered.

He eased a second finger into her. “In the dream, you said it was too big and that you couldn’t take all of it.”

He gently stretched her pussy with his fingers as he kissed the curve of her ear. She arched her hips upward before moaning, “What did you say?”

“I told you to be a good girl and take all of my cock.”

She shuddered all over, and for a moment, she thought she might climax again from just Luke’s hot words and the pressure of his fingers in her pussy.

“Was I a – a good girl?” She asked.

“Yes,” he whispered before pushing his fingers deeper.

“Oh God! Please,” she moaned.

“Do you want to be my good girl again, Ms. Smith?” He sucked on her earlobe.

“I do,” she said eagerly.

“Say it.” He bit gently on her lobe.

“I want to be your good girl.” Inspiration struck her, and she clutched at his thick forearm. “I want to be your good girl, Mr. Dawson.”

He groaned, and she could feel his hips jerking against the bed. He pulled his fingers out, and she made an embarrassingly loud whine of protest.

“Spread your legs wide,” he rasped as he moved between her thighs.

She did what he asked, gripping his biceps when he guided his cock to her entrance. A small trickle of apprehension returned, and her hands tightened around him. He stopped immediately and gave her a look of reassurance.
