Page 60 of Undeniably His

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She blushed at the thought, and Luke gave her an odd look. “Are you okay?”

“Yes,” she said. “I, uh, I finished taping.”

“Looks good,” he said. “Do you prefer to cut in or roll?”

“It doesn’t matter,” she said. “Honestly, I’m probably not great at either.”

“Well, I happen to be an expert at cutting in,” he said with a slight grin, “so I’ll do that. Okay?”


She watched as he pried open the paint can and stirred it before grabbing a brush and carrying it and the paint can to the step ladder. He climbed the ladder and placed the paint can on top before dipping the brush into it.

She opened the second can and stirred the paint as he swiped the brush along the ceiling. She poured it into the tray and grabbed the roller. She rolled the opposite wall as Luke said, “I like the colour.”

“Thank you.” There were a few moments of silence, and feeling awkward, she said, “So, I never got the chance to ask how your holiday was.”

“It was good,” he replied. “I love Paris.”

“Someday, I’ll go there,” she said.

“You should. It has amazing architecture and history.”

“Do you travel a lot?” she asked.

He considered her question for a moment before nodding. “More than the average person, I think. How about you?”

“No. I’ve never been out of the state.”

“You didn’t travel with your parents before…”

“No, not really. We didn’t have a lot of money for travelling.”

“We didn’t either,” he said. “It’s probably why Amy and I travel so much now.”

“I want to go to Ireland,” she said.

“I went there a few years ago,” he replied. “It’s worth a visit.”

“I read online that you can stay in an actual castle.” She rolled more paint onto the wall. “How cool would it be to sleep in a castle?”

“Very cool,” he said with a grin.

She laughed. “You’ve slept in a castle in Ireland, haven’t you?”


“Well, it’s definitely on my bucket list,” she said. “Some day, I’ll save enough money for the trip.”

“I was thinking I would give you a raise,” he said.

She blinked at the rapid change in topic. “I’m sorry?”

“A raise,” he repeated.

“For what? My job duties haven’t changed.”

He laughed. “Are you really trying to talk me out of giving you a raise?”
