Page 59 of Undeniably His

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“I’m not,” she said.

“Okay,” Luke said after a moment, “so, you meet with Mark and convince him to find money in the budget for an upgrade, and I’ll - ”

“No,” Amy said again before standing. “I’ve told you before, I don’t want anything to do with the business side.” She winked and smiled at him, but both looked forced. “I just want to make pretty things, remember?”

“Amy, I’m swamped. It would help if you could meet with Mark.”

“I said no,” she retorted. “Either convince Mark yourself that this is a good idea or fire him and hire a CFO who does think it’s a good idea.”

Luke’s mouth dropped open. “Ames,” he said cautiously, “what the hell is going on with you? You want me to fire Mark?”

She sighed and rubbed at the back of her neck. “No, of course not. I’m just tired today. Let me know what you and Mark decide, okay?”

She reached across his desk and squeezed his hand before leaving the office.

* * *

Jane added a final strip of painter’s tape to the baseboard before standing and surveying her work. It was almost seven, and she debated whether to start painting tonight or leave it for the morning.

She wandered out of the bedroom and down the stairs to the kitchen. She poured herself a glass of water and grabbed some crackers to munch on. Even after three weeks of living with Amy, she couldn’t get over her delight at always having food to eat. She’d stopped to see Mama J after work, and after nearly a week and a half of confusion, her foster mom was alert and knew who she was. She had exclaimed repeatedly about how good Jane looked, and they had a good visit before Mama J started to tire.

Jane smiled to herself and drank some water. It was so good to have the old Mama J back. She was starting to worry that this was it, that the Mama J she knew and loved was gone forever. To have her back made her nearly giddy with happiness.

She grabbed some cheese from the fridge and cut a few slices to add to her crackers. She needed to feel happy right now. The last five days at work with Luke were nearly agonizing in their awkwardness. Every time she looked at him, she would remember the way he had stared at her, the low rasp of his voice when he said he wanted his dick in her mouth.

A little shudder of pleasure went through her belly, and she scowled. God, she had to stop thinking about it. Luke was as uncomfortable and awkward around her– if not more – as she was around him. It wasn’t until yesterday afternoon that he’d looked at her for more than a few seconds.

She finished her food and drank the rest of her water before washing her hands. It wasn’t that late. She’d try to do the first coat of paint tonight and finish the rest in the morning before visiting Mama J.

She put her glass in the dishwasher, jumping a little when the doorbell rang. She walked to the front door and peered through the peephole. Her mouth dropped open, and she pulled self-consciously at her t-shirt and yoga pants before opening the door.

“Hi, Luke.”

“Hi, Jane.”

“Um, Amy isn’t here.”

“I know. Can I come in?” He asked.

“Oh, of course,” she said. He stepped inside and shut the door before taking off his jacket. He wore a t-shirt and jeans, and she tried not to drool at how his shirt clung to his broad chest.

“I’m here to help, ” he said.

“Help with what?”

“Painting. Amy mentioned you were painting your room and asked me to help.”

“Oh, well, that’s nice of you, but I can’t ask you to give up your Friday night to help me paint.”

He took his boots off and hung his jacket on the hook. “I don’t mind.”

“I’m sure you have better things to do,” she said.

“Nope.” He squeezed past her and started down the hall to the stairs. She stayed where she was, and he glanced at her over his shoulder. “Ready to paint?”

“Um, yes, okay.” She followed him up the stairs.

She tried not to blush when they were standing in her room together. There was no need for it to be weird. Furniture and pictures covered her bed – it wasn’t like they would have sex or something.
