Page 16 of Undeniably His

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“Drinks with Mark,” he said.

“Mark Stanford?” she asked.

He nodded, and she gave him a hesitant look. “Are you friends?”

“Yes. We’ve been friends since we were kids. He, Amy and I started the company together.”

“I didn’t know that,” she said. “I knew you and Amy started the company, but I didn’t realize Mark was there from the beginning. He – he’s a nice man. I only met him a couple of times, but he was nice.”

“He is much nicer than me,” he said.

“Oh no, I didn’t mean that you weren’t a nice man. I mean that he was nice and, uh….”

He grinned at her. “I’m teasing you, Ms. Smith.”

“Right,” she said and then blushed again.

They drove the rest of the way in silence. When he parked in front of the building, he stared in disgust. “This is where you live?”

“Yes.” She unbuckled her seat belt. “Thank you for the ride home, Mr. Dawson.”

“I’ll walk you to your door. It isn’t safe for you.”

“No, no, that’s fine,” she said hurriedly. “It’s much safer than it looks.”

“Oh yeah?” He pointed to the two men huddled together on the street corner. “So that’s not a drug deal going down?”

“Uh, I’m sure it isn’t.”

“I’m walking you to your door,” he said. “No arguments.”

He exited the car and locked it securely before taking her arm above her elbow. He walked her to the building door, frowning at the broken lock, and followed her into the foyer. It smelled strongly of urine, and his hand tightened on her arm when a man wearing a dirty overcoat and swaying drunkenly stood up from the corner.

“Hey, pretty lady. You’re home early tonight.”

“Hi, Mickey,” Jane said.

“You wanna come to my apartment and have a drink with me?” he slurred. He moved closer, and Luke shoved him back angrily when he reached out to touch Jane.

He stumbled and fell back against the wall before blinking blearily at Luke. “Who the hell are you?”

“Stay away from her,” Luke said.

“It’s fine,” Jane said quickly. “Mickey’s my neighbour.”

“Yeah, I’m her neighbour,” Mickey said. “We’re gonna have drinks tonight.”

“No, we’re not,” Jane said. “Go sleep it off, Mickey.”

“Why don’t you sleep it off with me, pretty Jane?” Mickey wheedled. “You know you’re dyin’ to see what’s in my pants.”

“Shut the fuck up,” Luke snarled at him, “or I’ll knock what teeth you have left out of your goddamn head.”

“Mr. Dawson, it’s fine,” Jane said. He ignored her and pulled her against his body. He wrapped his arm protectively around her waist when Mickey drifted closer again.

“Go anywhere near her, Mickey,” he said in a low voice, “and I’ll beat the hell out of you.”

“Jesus,” Mickey whined, “I was just being friendly.”
