Page 15 of Undeniably His

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“You’re doing a good job,” he said.

“Thank you,” she said as the elevators opened. They stepped inside, and she pushed the lobby and parking garage buttons.

“I mean it,” he said. “I’m impressed.”

“It’s only been two days,” she said.

“True, but I had an assistant once who downloaded a virus on her first day and nearly wiped out our entire computer system.”

“You’re kidding.” She glanced at him before looking at the floor again. “What was she downloading?”


Her mouth dropped open, and she looked so shocked that he laughed. She blushed. “Are you serious?”

“Yes,” he said. “She thought we couldn’t trace it back to her and was completely surprised when we fired her for it.”

She shook her head and gave him a timid look of amusement as the elevator doors opened. “Well, I’ll try to wait at least a month before I start watching porn at work, Mr. Dawson.”

He laughed again. “I appreciate that, Ms. Smith. Enjoy your weekend.”

“Thank you, you too.”

He watched her walk across the lobby before the elevator doors closed, carrying him down to the garage. He nodded to the security guard in the parking garage and climbed into his car. He pulled out of the garage and stopped for the traffic. His car rocked with the force of the wind, and he glanced idly at the bus stop in front of their building. Jane stood at the bus stop with her hands tucked deep into her pockets and her face buried in the collar of her jacket. Another strong gust blew, and she staggered before catching her balance.

He sighed loudly and turned right, pulling up at the bus stop and lowering the passenger window. “Get in, Ms. Smith.”

She stared blankly at him. “I’m sorry?”

“Get in the car. I’ll give you a ride home.”

“Oh no,” she said as she shivered wildly. “I don’t live around here and - ”

“It’s fine. Get in before you freeze to death.”

She hesitated, and he made a harsh noise of impatience. “I don’t have all night, Ms. Smith.”

She glanced around before opening the door and sliding into the seat. Her hands shook heavily, and she could barely buckle her seat belt. He turned the heat on high and pulled out into traffic.

“Where do you live?” he asked.

She recited the address. Luke cursed under his breath. “The Badlands? You live in the Badlands?”

She nodded and said defensively, “It’s not that bad of a neighbourhood.”

“Wasn’t there a murder out there last weekend?” he said.

She just shrugged, and they drove quietly for a few minutes. “You need to get some gloves and a scarf,” he said. “In case you haven’t noticed, it’s winter.”

“I’ll buy some this weekend.”

“What are your plans for tonight?” he asked.

“Dinner and then relaxing,” she said.

His gaze dropped to her purse, and she blushed guiltily and pulled it a little closer to her body. He suddenly had a horrible feeling that her dinner was half of a stale turkey sandwich.

“How about you?” she asked.
