Page 124 of Undeniably His

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“Get off me.” Fear flashed in Jeremy’s eyes. “Get off me, or I – I’ll call Tony.”

Luke barked harsh laughter and dropped him. Jeremy’s head bounced off the floor, and he winced before scrambling away from him. “Fucking asshole! Get out of my club!”

“Gladly,” Luke snarled. He turned and stalked out of the club.

* * *

Jane knocked on Luke’s office door. Today was her first day back in Mark’s department, and even though Maria was curious about why she was no longer working with Luke, she hadn’t pushed too much for the reason. Kyla had welcomed her back with no questions asked, and Jane was thrilled to discover that Mark was arranging to have her take some accounting classes. She was still worried about losing her second job, but she’d hidden it from Luke when he’d popped by before lunch to ask her to type a quick document for her.

Right before the end of the day, he’d sent her an email asking her to see him. She smiled happily to herself. Maybe he would go with her to see Mama J tonight and then spend the rest of the evening with her. It was worrisome not to have the extra money from the club, and she knew she would have to find another second job, but she’d maybe take a week or two and enjoy her extra time with Luke.

“Come in.”

She opened the doors and stepped into Luke’s office, closing them behind her. Luke was sitting at his desk and didn’t look up as she approached.

“Hi,” she said.

“Hello, Jane.”

Her smile faltered as he looked at her. She sank into the leather chair in front of his desk. “Is there something wrong?”

He sat back in his chair and folded his hands across his lean abdomen. He acted so strangely – stiff and cold – and apprehension trickled down her spine.

“I went to see your old boss at the club today.”

“What?” Her mouth dropped open. “Why – why would you do that?”

“I went to apologize and ask him to give you your job back.”

Warmth flooded through her, and she smiled at him. “You did? That’s really nice of you, Luke. Thank you.”

“It didn’t work,” he said.

“I’m not surprised. Jeremy isn’t -”

“Did you fuck him?” Luke asked.

The colour drained from her face, and she said, “Wh-what?”

“Did you fuck your boss at the club?”

She swallowed and nodded. “Yes. I dated Jeremy for a while.”

Anger flashed in his eyes, and he looked away from her before standing and pacing back and forth in front of the window. “I didn’t want to believe him.”

“What did he tell you?” she asked cautiously as she stood.

“Did he help you with money?”

“I – well, he bought me some groceries once or twice when I was low on food,” she said.

He laughed bitterly, and she gave him a defensive look. “I didn’t ask him to do it. He offered.”

“Of course,” Luke said. “So, is this what you do, Jane? You sleep with your boss? It’s some kind of game to you?”

“No!” Jane said. “Luke, I tried not to sleep with you because of what happened with Jeremy. I realized it was -”

“Tried not to sleep with me, huh?” Luke said. “Guess that didn’t work out so well for you. Although, I’ll admit you put on a good show for quite a while. You did an amazing job of getting me all hot and bothered for you and worried you would starve because of me. Getting your heat and electricity cut off because I forced you to buy better clothes was a nice touch. Very convincing.”
