Page 123 of Undeniably His

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“What can I do for you, Mister…”

“Dawson. Luke Dawson.”

Jeremy looked him up and down. “Jane got herself a real fancy boyfriend, didn’t she?”

“I’m here to apologize for starting a fight in your club and to ask you to give Jane her job back.”

“We got rules at this club. The girls know them. Always tell the customers you’re single even if you ain’t, and never let your man come to the club.”

“I didn’t know Jane worked here, and she didn’t know I would be there last night,” Luke said. “If I had known the rules, I would have followed them.”

Jeremy laughed. “Oh yeah? Why would I believe that? I seen the way you looked at her. You don’t like other men looking at your woman, let alone touching her.”

“It’s my fault. Jane shouldn’t be punished for that,” Luke said.

Jeremy took a swallow of beer. “How’d Jane meet someone so fancy anyway?”

“She works for my company.”

Jeremy’s eyes widened, and Luke stared at him in surprise when he burst into loud laughter. “You are fucking kidding me – you’re her goddamn boss?”

“Technically, yes,” Luke said. “She doesn’t work directly for me.”

Jeremy laughed again, and Luke gave him a cold look. “What’s so funny?”

“You have no idea how sweet little Jane has snowed you. You with your goddamn fancy suit and your fucking Rolex. I bet you’ve got more money than God, yet a little golddigger like Jane can sink her claws into you.”

“It isn’t like that,” Luke said through clenched teeth. He was holding onto his self-control by a thread. It had been a mistake to come here.

“Why the fuck are you with her? She ain’t that good looking, and she’s a fucking cold fish in the sack, so what is it?”

Cold washed over Luke as nausea rolled through his stomach. “What did you say?”

Jeremy grinned at him. “She didn’t tell you. You’re not the first boss that Jane has slept with. It’s what she does, man.”

“You’re lying,” Luke said in a low voice.

“Like fuck I am. I might be a bastard, but I’m not a lying bastard,” Jeremy said. “Jane started coming on to me not even a month after she started working here. We were fucking within two months.”

“No,” Luke said through numb lips. “No, she wouldn’t sleep with someone like you.”

“What’s wrong with me?” Jeremy gave him an indignant look before laughing. “Jane didn’t have any complaints, trust me.”

He took another drink of beer as Luke stared at him. “She start asking you for money yet?”

Luke shook his head, and Jeremy tipped his beer bottle to him. “She will soon, trust me. She’ll start talking about that foster mother of hers, about how sick she is and how much it costs to take care of her. She’ll act like she ain’t got nothing. That she ain’t got no food and can’t make her rent because all her money goes to her foster mom. You start to feel sorry for her, maybe buy a few groceries or pay her heat bill one month. Next thing you know, she’s taking all your green and living the high life just because she thinks sucking your cock on the regular gives her that right.”

“Shut up,” Luke said. “Shut the fuck up.”

“Ooh, hit a nerve there, did I?” Jeremy said. “Listen, man, it’s better for you that you know how Jane really is. She’s got that sweet girl act down to perfection, but she’s using you for your money. It’s what she fucking does. She don’t care about anyone but herself. She’s a snake who hides in the grass and bites you when you least expect it.”

Luke stared silently at him, and Jeremy shrugged. “Keep dating her – you’ll find out. I was smart enough to kick her ass out of my bed before she got too much of my hard-earned money, but you don’t strike me as that smart. Jane’s got a tight little pussy, I’ll give her that, and men like you are always blinded by pussy.”

Rage pulsing through him, Luke punched Jeremy in the face. The smaller man fell off the stool, landing on his back with a harsh thud as his bottle of beer smashed on the floor and splattered him with liquid.

“You fucking asshole!” Jeremy gasped as blood poured from his nose.

Luke bent over and grabbed the collar of his shirt. He lifted him until their faces were inches apart and said, “Go anywhere near Jane, and I’ll kill you.”
