Page 116 of Undeniably His

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He grinned at Julien as Luke said, “What are you thinking?”

“There is a place called ‘Teasers’. Have you heard of it?” Julien asked.

Luke nodded and kept the dismay from his face. “I have.”

“Perhaps you have visited this fine establishment?” Pierre said.

“No,” Luke grunted.

Julien raised his eyebrows. “You have an issue with us going?”

“Not at all,” Luke said.

“Bien,” Julien said. “So, you will join us then?”

“Of course,” Luke said. “I’ll invite Mark as well.”

“The more the merrier,” Pierre said. “Now, if you will excuse us, we want to say hello to your delightful sister before we leave.”

“She’s not here today,” Luke said. Amy had called in sick this morning.

“What a shame,” Julien said. “Give us the name of the restaurant, and we will meet you and Mark there in say,” he glanced at his watch, “an hour?”

“Sure.” He gave them the restaurant's name and shook their hands before walking them to the elevator. He walked to Mark’s office and knocked before sticking his head into the room.

“Hey, what are you doing?”

Mark looked up from his desk. “I’m about to head home.”

“So, no plans?” Luke said.

Mark gave him a suspicious look. He didn’t look as tired as Sunday night but still looked out of sorts. “Why?”

“Julien and Pierre have agreed to invest with us,” Luke said.

“That’s good,” Mark said.

“You don’t sound that excited.”

Mark shrugged. “I am. I just don’t like those guys. Or trust them, for that matter.”

Luke sighed. “I don’t know what you want me to say. Working with them will benefit the company despite how we feel about them.”

“I know,” Mark said. “Ignore me, I’m tired today.”

“About that – I need you to go out with me tonight.”

“What are we doing?” Mark asked.

“We’re having dinner with Julien and Pierre and then going to Teasers.”

“No,” Mark said as he closed his laptop and stood up. “No fucking way.”

“Come on, Mark,” Luke said. “I need you to help me out with this.”

“I’m not going to a goddamn strip club with those two assholes,” Mark said.

“C’mon, man,” Luke said, “it’s one night of your life.”
