Page 115 of Undeniably His

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She stared silently at him, and he said, “Unless you don’t want to date me and then forget everything I just said.”

She burst into laughter, and he grinned nervously at her. “Is that a yes or a no to dating me?”

“I want to date you,” she said.

“Yeah?” He knew he sounded like an eager little kid, but he couldn’t help it. “Really?”

“Yes,” she said. “But only if I transfer back to Mark’s department.”

“I’ll talk to him today,” Luke said. “You can be back in his department by tomorrow.”

“You might want to wait until you find a replacement for me.” Jane laughed.

“I’ll talk to Maria and get her to put out a job listing right away. We’ll put you back in Mark’s department, and I’ll maybe borrow you for urgent stuff while we’re waiting for the new PA to start.”

She sat up, and he pulled her into his lap, kissing her on the mouth as she tangled her hands in his hair.

“Let’s have sex to celebrate,” he said.

She laughed. “We don’t have time. You need to go home, remember? Besides, we can’t celebrate yet. Mark might not want me back in his department. I’m sure they’ve filled the position I left by now.”

Luke shook his head. “He’ll put you back in his department. Don’t worry about that.”

“You don’t know that for sure,” Jane said. She was slightly worried about Mark’s reaction to having her work for him again, especially since she knew his and Amy’s secret.

“I do,” Luke said confidently. “Now, stop talking and lie back so I can eat your pussy.”

“We don’t have time,” she repeated.

“There’s always time for pussy eating.”

Her laughter ended when he yanked back the covers, pushed her onto her back, knelt between her thighs and buried his face in her pussy.

“Fuck me!” The words burst from her throat in a harsh little moan as his tongue slicked over her clit.

He lifted his head and grinned up at her. “Whatever you say, Ms. Smith.”

* * *

“So, as you can see,” Luke tapped his laptop screen, “we are fully committed to overhauling our digital presence and creating a new shopping experience for our clients.”

Pierre and Julien studied the screen as Luke discreetly checked the time. It was already five thirty, and Jane would have left for her second job by now. He tried to hide his irritation. He hadn’t even had the chance to tell her the good news. Mark was perfectly willing to have Jane return to the finance department and was open to training her to do more. Hell, he had even suggested that if Jane was interested, she could take a few accounting classes.

He’d wanted to tell her immediately, but Pierre and Julien were early for their meeting. He’d spent the last three hours reviewing the company’s finances with them for the third time and detailing their plan to change their website and digital footprint. Frankly, he was tired of their waffling and ready to throw in the towel.

Pierre glanced at Julien and nodded before sitting back in his chair. “Congratulations, Luke. We want to invest in your company.”

“Good. You won’t regret it, gentlemen. I’ll have Mark draw up a contract, and we can start negotiations.”

“Perfect.” Julien glanced at his watch. “This calls for a celebration. You must go out with us this evening.”

“I have quite a bit of work to do,” Luke said. “I should probably -”

“We insist,” Pierre said. “If we are going to be working so closely together, we should get to know each other better, no?”

“Yes,” Luke said. Jane was working late anyway. It wouldn’t hurt to get to know the two French men better. “I know the perfect place for dinner.”

“Bien,” Pierre said. “And we have heard of the perfect entertainment for after dinner.”
