Page 109 of Undeniably His

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“Night, Luke.”

* * *

“Hello, sweetheart.” Clara kissed Luke’s cheek before folding Jane into her embrace. “Hi, dear.”

“Hi, Clara.” Jane removed her jacket, and Luke hung it in the closet as she slipped out of her boots.

“When Amy showed up without you, I was afraid you weren’t coming to family dinner. But Amy said Luke was bringing you because he made you work today.” Clara gave Luke a gentle, disapproving look. “You work too much, sweetheart, and now you’re making Jane work too much.”

“I didn’t mind,” Jane said. “It doesn’t happen very often.”

“You’re looking gorgeous tonight, Mom.” Luke kissed her cheek with a loud smacking noise.

Clara pinched Luke’s cheek. “Aren’t you in a good mood today? Your dad is in the garage tinkering with his car. He said for you to join him.”

“Sure.” Luke disappeared as Clara put her arm around Jane and squeezed affectionately.

“Dearest, can you do me a favour?”

“Of course,” Jane said.

“Can you go and talk to Amy? She’s in the living room and has been in a real mood since she arrived. Something’s upsetting her, but she won’t tell me what it is. You two have grown close, so maybe you could try talking to her.”

“Sure,” Jane said as guilt coursed through her. She had meant to text Amy this morning, but Luke had kept her occupied.

Damn straight he did, her inner voice whispered. How many times have you had sex today, Janie? Six? Seven? What do you think Luke’s mother would say if she knew Luke was in such a good mood because you gave him a blowjob right before you left for family dinner?

She gave Clara a distracted smile. Luke had woken her at seven this morning, and they’d been in bed for pretty much the entire day. Her thighs ached, as did her pelvis, but she didn’t regret their marathon of sex. After dinner, Luke would drive her back to her place, and she would never again feel his warm body wrapped around hers or hear his deep voice whispering in her ear. The thought sent depression coursing through her, and she shook it off immediately. Amy was upset, and she needed to stop being such a lousy friend and help her.

“I’ll talk to her right now,” Jane said.

“Thanks, dearest,” Clara said.

Jane pressed a kiss against Clara’s cheek. She was very fond of Luke’s parents and would miss them terribly. But she couldn’t keep going to family dinners after tonight. It would be bad enough to see Luke every day at work. She wouldn’t torture herself on the weekends as well.

She walked into the living room. Amy was sitting on the couch, staring at the flickering flames of the fire burning in the fireplace. When Amy didn’t look at her, Jane sat beside her and said, “Hi, Amy.”

“Hi, Jane.”

“How was your day with Pierre and Julien yesterday?”

“Fine,” Amy said.

“Friday night was a bit intense.”

Amy sighed and said irritably, “I’m not talking to you about Mark. Don’t bother asking.”

“Okay,” Jane said.

“Fuck. I’m being such a bitch,” Amy said. “I’m sorry, Janie.”

“It’s fine. I’m just worried about you.”

“So is my mom. I heard her telling you to come in and talk to me.”

“I would have talked to you anyway. I meant to text you yesterday, but Luke…”

She flushed when Amy said dryly, “Yeah, I don’t need the details.”
