Page 108 of Undeniably His

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“Keep doing that, and I’ll fuck you right now,” he muttered.

“Yes,” she said. “Please.”

He studied her for a moment before pressing his hand between her legs. She widened her thighs, and he cupped her pussy.

“Please, Luke,” she said and tried to urge him between her legs.

“You’re not ready yet,” he said.

“I don’t care. I need you!” She was suddenly dying to have him inside of her.

He shook his head. “No, I don’t want to hurt you. Patience, Jane.”

She glared at him, and he gave her a sweet smile before beginning to rub her clit with slow, firm strokes. “When you’re nice and wet for me, then I’ll fuck you. It won’t take long.”

She spread her legs wide, repeatedly arching into his touch until she was soaking wet and moaning for him.

“See,” he said arrogantly before sucking hard on her nipple. She cried out, her pussy clenching around his finger when he pushed it into her.

“Luke,” she begged, “please.”

“Whatever you want, sweet Jane.” He rolled on the condom before kneeling between her legs. He slid into her with one hard thrust, and she moaned happily as he rested on his forearms above her. She rubbed her tight nipples against his chest, watching desire dance across his face as she put her arms around his shoulders. He was sliding in and out in a slow, deep rhythm, and she closed her eyes as he thrust.

“Look at me.”

His low voice made her eyes pop open. She stared up at him as he continued to move in her. He rolled his hips in and out, grinding his pelvic bone against her clit as she made low gasps of pleasure.

“Keep looking at me,” he demanded as her eyelids drifted shut. “Don’t look away, Jane.”

“Yes, Luke,” she whispered.

She stared at him as he moved faster. He was beginning to pant now, and she dug her hands into his back as she met each of his thrusts. Their hips slapped together, and she squeezed him tightly with her inner muscles.

He groaned and moved harder. He didn’t tear his gaze from her, and she whimpered low in her throat. “I’m so close, Luke.”

“Me too,” he gasped.

He reached between them and rubbed her clit. “Look at me when you’re coming.”

He tugged on her clit, and keeping her gaze on him, she climaxed with a shudder-inducing cry. Her body arched under his as she tightened around him. He made a soft mutter for mercy before thrusting deep and groaning her name. He stared intently at her as he came deep within her, his body shaking and twitching against hers. When he collapsed against her, she rubbed his back and kept her legs wrapped around his waist.

“That was so good,” he muttered.

“Hmm,” she agreed.

He lifted his head and stared at her. “Jane, I…”

She gave him an encouraging look. “What, Luke?”

He pressed a kiss against her mouth. “Nothing.”

He rolled off of her and disposed of the condom before pulling her into his embrace. She snuggled into him, throwing her thin thigh across his thick ones as he rubbed her back with his warm hand.

He was quiet for so long that she was starting to fall asleep when his low voice came floating out of the darkness. “It’s good between us. Isn’t it?”

“Yes,” she said sleepily. “So good.”

He pressed a kiss against the top of her head. “Good night, Jane.”
