Page 104 of Undeniably His

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“Right,” Jane said. “That must be it.”

He gave her a curious look as he signalled the waiter for the cheque. “What?”

“Nothing,” she said.

Luke smiled at her. “Have I mentioned how beautiful you look tonight?”

She grinned. “You don’t have to sweet talk me, Mr. Dawson. I’m going home with you tonight.”

He leaned in and nuzzled her neck. “Of course you are. Why wouldn’t you?”

She rolled her eyes before rubbing his thigh. “Reign in the arrogance, or I’ll withhold the sexy times.”

He burst into laughter, and she shushed him when the couple at the table beside them glanced over curiously.

“You won’t,” he whispered into her ear. “You can’t resist me, Jane Smith.”

He sucked on her earlobe, and she shuddered with pleasure. He was right – she couldn’t resist him and didn’t want to.

“I’ll take you home first to grab some clothes, and then we’re spending the rest of the weekend in my bed. Any questions, Ms. Smith?”

“No, Mr. Dawson. No questions at all,” she said sweetly.


“You didn’t have to come with me, Luke,” Jane said as he drove toward the care home.

“I want to,” he said.

“No, you wanted to spend the weekend in bed.”

“Only if you were with me,” he replied with a lecherous grin.

She bit at her bottom lip. It was after three on Saturday, and she and Luke had spent all morning in bed together. Luke was sleeping deeply when she slipped out of bed for a quick shower. She always went to see Mama J on Saturday, and despite her desire to stay in Luke’s warm bed, she wanted to see her foster mother.

She’d only been in the shower for a few minutes when Luke had joined her. As soon as he discovered her plans, he insisted on coming with her. She was both surprised and happy by his insistence.

As he pulled into the parking lot, she said, “Are you sure? You could drop me off, and I’ll take the bus back to your place when I’m finished visiting.”

“I’m sure,” he said. “I like Mama J and enjoy visiting with her. Unless you don’t want me there?”

He gave her an uncertain look, and she shook her head. “No, I want you there.”

“Good. Let’s go see Mama J,” Luke said.

They climbed out of the car, and she didn’t object when he took her hand as they walked toward the care home. What was happening would be finished by tomorrow night, and just because Luke was affectionate and sweet, it didn’t change anything. She needed her job.

She tried to let go of his hand when they entered the home, but he refused to let go. He smiled at Bev at the front desk. “Good afternoon, Bev. It’s good to see you again. You’re looking lovely.”

The older woman giggled like a schoolgirl. “Nice to see you too, Luke.”

“Hello, Bev,” Jane said.

“Oh, hi, hon. How are you?”

“Good. Is Mama J in her room?”

“She is,” Bev said. “She’s having a good day today.”
