Page 103 of Undeniably His

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“Amy?” Luke leaned forward. “Ames, are you all right?”

Amy’s face had turned deathly pale, and for one moment, Jane thought she would burst into tears. Desperate to help her friend, she said, “I need to use the ladies’ room. Amy, how about you?”

Amy stood. “No, I need to go. Pierre and Julien, I’m afraid I can’t meet this evening, but if your earlier offer is still open, I’ll be your tour guide tomorrow, and perhaps we can talk about the new line then.”

All four men stood, and Pierre grinned delightedly at Amy before leaning forward and pressing a kiss against her cheek. “We would be honoured, mon ange.”

Julien leaned in and kissed her other cheek. “Tell us the time and place, and we will be there, ma chérie.”

“Let’s say ten at the art museum on Sixteenth Avenue,” Amy said. “That way, I have plenty of time to,” she paused, and her gaze flickered briefly to Mark, “play tour guide.”

“Perfect. We’ll be there, mon ange,” Pierre said.

“Good,” Amy said.

She walked away as Mark slowly sank back into his chair. His hands were in tight fists, and he stared at the top of the table as Julien said, “I believe we will call it a night as well. Are you available to meet with us on Monday, Luke?”

“Yes,” Luke said.

“Bien,” Julien said. “We will discuss our possible investment with your company. Say around three on Monday?”

“Fine,” Luke said. “Enjoy your weekend, and if you need anything, let me know.”

“Oh, I am certain Amy will be able to help us with anything we need,” Pierre said.

Mark inhaled sharply, and Jane grabbed his thigh under the table, squeezing as hard as she could when he started to stand. He glared at her, and she subtly shook her head as Luke shook first Pierre’s hand and then Julien’s with a mild look of distaste.

“Mr. Stanford, it was a pleasure,” Julien said before holding out his hand.

Mark stared at his hand before giving it a brief shake. “Pleasure,” he muttered as a muscle ticked in his jaw.

Pierre smiled at Jane. “So lovely to meet you, Jane. Perhaps you would care to join the three of us tomorrow and,” he paused and glanced at Julien, “try new things as well.”

Before she could reply, Luke said, “I need Ms. Smith to work tomorrow.”

“What a pity,” Pierre said

Julien took Jane’s hand and kissed it lightly. “Bonne nuit, Jane.”

“Good night,” she said.

The two men left, and Luke blew his breath out in a low rush. “Christ, that was awkward as hell. The way they were hitting on Amy was uncomfortable, to say the least.”

He jerked in surprise when Mark slammed his fists down on the table. The silverware rattled, and Jane’s empty wine glass tipped over.

“What the hell is going on with you tonight?” Luke said. “You insist on coming to dinner but barely say two words. What’s your problem with Julien and Pierre?”

“What’s my problem?” Mark snapped. “Those two assholes were practically humping Amy at the goddamn table, and you didn’t do a fucking thing about it. You’re her brother, for fuck’s sake.”

“I didn’t like it any more than you did, but she’s a grown woman, Mark. Besides, she obviously didn’t mind. She’s going out with them tomorrow, isn’t she?”

Mark’s face turned bright red, and he stood up abruptly. “I have to go. Good night.”

He stalked away, and Luke stared at Jane before rubbing at his jaw. “Mark is acting crazy tonight.”

“Maybe it has something to do with Amy,” Jane said delicately.

“Yeah, probably,” Luke said. “It pissed me off, not to mention grossed me out, to watch them hitting on her. Mark thinks of her as his sister, so I shouldn’t be surprised it pissed him off as well.”
