Page 85 of Bruno

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“We try to make the process easy on our customers, which means moving forward, we’re going to take good care of you. Do you have an agent you’re working with?”

“Not yet.”

“I’ll send you a list of potential agents, and you can interview them to see which one you’d like to work with. Sound good?”

“Thank you. You’re about to make my dream come true.” Her voice sounded thick and wavered, but she couldn’t hide her emotional response.

She was going to give Theo one of the things she never had as a child—a home of their own. A place they could fix up and decorate without anyone limiting their creativity. If they wanted to paint the walls Spiderman red and draw a giant cobweb on the ceiling, they could. She imagined cooking in a nice, big open kitchen, similar to the one at Bruno’s house, and calling Theo to come inside from the yard for dinner.

The loan officer laughed. “I’m glad to hear it. Make sure you keep everything the same between now and when you’re ready to buy. No new debt, keep your credit clean, all that.”

“Not a problem. I didn’t come this far to turn back now.”

“That’s what I like to hear. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me.”

“Thank you!” Marissa said again.

They hung up the phone, and she sat back in the chair and let out a happy sigh. She was closer to being a homeowner, to giving Theo the type of stability she never had growing up. All her sacrifices over the years were finally about to pay off.

“Knock, knock.” Lori stood in the doorway.


The receptionist held up a paper sack by the handles. “Delivery for you.”

“Oh, great. That’s my lunch from Garlique.”

Lori brought over the bag and rested it on her desk. Instead of leaving, she stayed in place and waited for Marissa to remove the contents.

Carefully, Marissa removed the three boxes and a plastic container from the bag, all of which were filled with food. One with roasted chicken, one with a vegetable stir fry, and the third with rice. Inside the plastic container was a hunk of chocolate cake.

Lori’s mouth fell open. “You ordered all this?”

“I might have gone a little overboard, but the food is so good. Would you like some?” She had bought enough to feed herself and have leftovers for her and Theo, but with such large servings she could spare a little bit for Lori.

“Are you sure you don’t mind?” Lori asked.

“Not at all.”

Lori bit her lip. “I would love some. I’ve never eaten at this restaurant, but I heard the food is great. Be right back.” She scurried out of the room.

She returned with sodas, a spoon, and two plates. She handed a plate to Marissa, and they started transferring food from the containers.

“I’m eating good today.” Lori grabbed one of the restaurant’s plastic forks and dropped into the chair opposite Marissa.

She started with the chicken and moaned low in her throat. Then she tried the rice. “Damn, how do you make rice taste so good?”

Marissa laughed as she popped open her Coke. Lori was right. Every dish ended up being a flavor bomb for the tastebuds.

Lori leaned forward and dropped her voice to a conspiratorial level. “I heard that Arnie is considering you for the head matchmaker position when Leanne leaves.” She put a finger to her lips.

Marissa’s mouth fell open. “Where did you hear that?”

“I overheard him talking to Angela.”

“What about Rick? Or Stephanie in the Beverly Hills office? I thought for sure one of them or one of the more seasoned matchmakers would get the position.”

Lori shook her head as she finished chewing. “I get the feeling they’re not sure about Rick, whether he might stay or leave. He’s always talking about moving back to Miami.”
