Page 84 of Bruno

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Bruno’s chair scraped back, and then he was behind her. “My niece and nephew often come up here and mess with this.”

The heat from his body touched her back. He reached around to adjust the focus, and she leaned against his chest.

“There you go.” Bruno spoke in a low voice, close to her ear.

“Thank you.”

She looked through the telescope and saw the other homes for miles. She saw the highway she came in on, as well as the mall nearby. Shifting the lens to the sky, she surveyed the moon and the stars above.

“I love this,” she whispered.

“So do I. Coming up here is a nice escape. Sometimes when I’m alone, I bring up a glass of wine and sit back and lose myself in my thoughts. This spot is a great place to think.”

Marissa turned to face him and looped her arms around his neck. Bruno lowered his mouth to hers, and they kissed softly.

He smoothed his hands over her hips. “You remember I told you that Ethan is getting married soon?”

“Mhmm. To… Skye, right? The woman he was involved with for a long time?” Marissa raised up on her toes and nipped the corner of his lip with her teeth.

“That’s right. The wedding is in a few weeks, and I’d like you to be my guest.”

Whoa. She lowered onto her feet.

“Say yes.”

A warm sensation stirred in her chest. She didn’t want to overthink the invitation, but going to a wedding and meeting a man’s family had to mean something—didn’t it?

“I would love to go.”

A gorgeous smile spread on his face.

“So I get to meet your family?”

“Yes, the entire Connor-Santana clan will be there. You’ve been warned.”

She laughed. He always talked about his family as if they were problematic, but she heard the affection in his voice and knew how much he loved them.

“Thanks for the warning. I’ll come prepared.”

Bruno squeezed her tight and kissed her again.

Chapter Thirty-One

“I have good news.”

Marissa sat in her office with the door closed, waiting for the mortgage lender to continue.

“I got you pre-approved. Check your email,” she said.

Holding the phone to her ear, she logged into her email and saw the letter from the lender stating the mortgage amount and type of loan she was approved for.

She had been saving money, but this was the last step, finding out how much house she could purchase. Having this letter in hand meant she could make an offer on a house with confidence.

Her eyes widened at the dollar amount. “Oh my gosh, it’s happening,” she whispered.

“Congratulations! I don’t know what you were worried about. You have excellent credit, job stability, and zero debt. It’ll be easy to put you in a house.”

“Well, I had to pay off my debt, and since I’ve never owned a house before, I didn’t know how hard or easy the process would be. I’ve been nervous the entire time.”
