Page 80 of Bruno

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“I guess Chet doesn’t know?”

Marissa rolled her eyes. “No, and I don’t plan to tell him anytime soon. Like I said, the relationship is pretty new, and I don’t need his drama.”

“He can go screw himself. You have a right to date anyone you want to. I’m sure he isn’t living a celibate life,” John muttered.

Ever since John found out Chet cheated on her, he’d disliked him intensely.

Marissa spotted a familiar tall figure coming out of the kitchen, and her heart stopped. She hadn’t told Bruno she was coming here, and coincidentally, there he was.

“What are you looking at?” John asked.

“The owner of the restaurant is here.”

“Your friend?” Her brother twisted in his chair to get a good look. “The guy in the black shirt?”


Bruno was talking to a woman dressed in a suit, probably the general manager. Her eyes locked with his, and for one charged moment, she couldn’t breathe.

He said something to the woman, she replied, and he nodded and then started across the restaurant.

“He’s coming over,” Marissa said, lowering her eyes to the tablecloth.

“Is that good or bad?” her brother asked slowly.

Before she could answer, Bruno arrived at the table.

“Good evening,” he said.

“Hi,” Marissa greeted him.

“What a surprise to see you here,” he said.

Then he looked between her and her brother, clearly waiting for an introduction.

John extended his hand. “I’m John, Marissa’s brother.”

“Nice to meet you. Bruno Santana. You’re visiting from out of town, isn’t that correct?”

“Yes, I’m here for a dental convention. Marissa decided to bring me to your restaurant. She said the food is excellent, and the restaurant won a James Beard award.”

“Yes, we did. We’re very proud of that accomplishment, and I hope you enjoy your meal.”

“I’m sure we will.”

“Allow me to influence you with a free meal. You can have anything you want, on me.”

“You don’t have to do that,” Marissa said.

“I insist,” Bruno said.

John grinned. “Thank you. Although if you know my sister, you know she’s a huge foodie, and you can’t influence her opinion with a free meal. She either likes the food or she doesn’t.”

“True, and I appreciate her hearty appetite.”

His heated gaze rested on her. Her brother didn’t pick up on the double entendre, thank goodness, but she sure did.

“I don’t want to disturb your dinner,” Bruno continued. “I sometimes pop into my restaurants to keep the staff on their toes. I’ll leave you alone and make sure the manager knows your money is no good here.”
