Page 79 of Bruno

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“Because of my friend,” Marissa said.

She and Bruno had spent an unforgettable weekend together and intended to continue seeing each other, but she hesitated to tell her brother about the relationship. It was so new.

John scanned the menu. “Well, the food better be damn good because these prices are outrageous.”

“Don’t worry about the cost. I’m paying.”

He arched an eyebrow. “Life must really be good.”

Marissa laughed. “I can splurge every now and again, especially since my little brother is in town.”

“Are you still saving for the house?”

She nodded. “I went driving through Prairie Summit subdivision the other day, a cute neighborhood with a lake, and all the houses have nice big yards. I ran across some kids playing in the street. It was idyllic—exactly the kind of place I want to raise Theo in.”

John closed the menu. Unlike her, he was decisive about his meal choices.

“When do you think you’ll be ready to move?”

“I want to start seriously looking around the end of summer, early fall. That way, we can hopefully be in our new place by the holidays. I would love to be decorating my new house with a Christmas tree and lights.”

“Lily and I are looking forward to that too.”

“Are you still liking your new place?”

Her brother had purchased a house in the spring.

He nodded. “The girls are, as well. They love the teachers at the new school and have made a bunch of new friends.”

“They better enjoy the school, for what you’re paying.”

“Tell me about it, but the cost is worth it. They’re learning a lot, and as far as the neighborhood, we couldn’t ask for a better place. We have mostly families around us, and we’ve become real good friends with a family across the street from us. They have three kids and a dog that the girls have practically fallen in love with.”

“I guess they’ve been asking for a dog?”

He nodded. “Unfortunately.”

Listening to her brother talk made her look forward even more to when her time came to purchase her house and someday expand her own family. The life he led now was much different from what they experienced growing up.

“But they’re going to have to wait on the dog because they’re about to have a little brother.”

Marissa gasped. “What? Ohmigod, when did this happen?”

John chuckled. “Lily’s five months pregnant. We wanted to wait until she was safely in the second trimester before we shared the news. Our family’s growing.”

John and Lily had been together since high school, and when Lily had followed him to the same college, Marissa had been concerned. They had both started dating young, and neither had been with anyone else. But their relationship had blossomed, and after they graduated college, they moved to Arizona and got married.

They clearly belonged together. She only wished she’d been able to find the love of her life as easily as her brother did.

“I’m so happy for you.” Marissa squeezed his hand.

“Thanks, sis.”

The waiter came to the table and took their orders. Then he left them alone again.

“What’s going on with you? Have you met anyone or is the matchmaker still unmatched?”

“Please don’t start. I get enough of that from Lark. I’m sort of seeing someone, but the relationship is new so there isn’t much to tell.”
