Page 85 of Kindred Spirit

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Gritting my teeth, I push down the shocking pain as the beast is swept down the magical currents, flowing through me and into the stone. Ripping the necklace up over my head, I fling it past the inner circle with a shouted, “Release!”

Activating the inner circle of protection, I watch the parasite slowly ooze out of the stone. Like bubbling tar, it rolls over the ground, every inch of life dying under its touch. The chanting grows louder when it reaches the outer circle. A high-pitched scream comes from the parasite as it recoils from the burning barrier.

As more of it pours out, it searches for life, for magic, but none is left. It has consumed it all. It once again thrashes against the barrier, but it’s too weak. Desperate to survive, it begins to consume itself while reaching tendrils search for sustenance. It covers the dome of protection that surrounds Nolan and me, gnawing and scratching even as it cries out in pain.

“It’s working,” I shout, turning back to him.

“That’s…” Nolan coughs, blood splattering on his lap as he collapses forward.

I scream his name, draping my body over his. Desperately, I pour magic into him, but it won’t stay. It flows through him like running water, his soul too weak to absorb any of it.

No. No, this can’t be happening! I can’t lose you.

I frantically search my mind for any way to save him. Somehow, I have to strengthen his soul enough for it to be able to replenish itself before it will no longer stay tethered to his body. I saved Felix by giving his body enough of my spirit magic to house the soul, but his was whole and strong. How do I do this in reverse?

A wave of calm comfort washes over me, but it’s not from me. Connor can feel my panic, and he’s sending what help he can through the mate bond.

The bond!Pieces of our souls live in each other’s bodies through the bond! My memories of that night are a little fuzzy, but I’m sure if I manage to combine a version of the mate bond with the spark of magic I used with Felix, I can save Nolan.

Rolling Nolan onto his back, I hover over him. “I can save you, but it means bonding us together. I don’t know what the side effects will be, and I know the last thing you want is to be forever tied to yet another witch, but you’ll die if you don’t.” Tears drip from my eyes, falling onto his chest like rain. “Please, I know it isn’t fair, but I need you to say yes.”

His eyes crack open just wide enough for me to see his pale blue irises. “I’m not ready to die,” he rasps, reaching up with a shaking hand to wipe the tears from my cheeks. “Do it.”

“Thank you,” I sob, wrapping my arms around him and lifting his face to my neck. “When I say so, bite me.”

He bobs his head, his breath weak puffs against my skin.

Without hesitation, I flood his body with all of my being. This is not the magic of the goddess—it’s my magic… my soul. Instead of pieces or tendrils of me left as small comforts, I infuse his soul with mine. Like a golden tapestry, I weave us together until we are one. Once the gray in his soul starts to return to its natural golden light, I withdraw back into my body with a new, shiny tether linking us forever.

Dizzy, I sluggishly command, “Bite me.”

I cry out as his fangs slide into my flesh, my body burning as the venom courses through my system more potent than ever before. He drinks deeply, completing his side of the bond. Shock sparks like lightning as another tether is tested—Connor. I try to send some type of assurance through the mate bond, promises that this changes nothing between us. The line is shaky but holds, quiet but present.

As the parasite releases one last, dying screech, Nolan retracts his fangs, taking his first gasp of his new life. With bloody lips, he kisses my forehead, cheeks, nose, and finally, my mouth. The copper taste of blood skates across my tongue.

“We’ll figure it out,” he promises, using his sleeve to wipe away his bloody kisses. “You saved me. Thank you.”

“I love you,” I murmur, my voice thick with tears. Needing him close, even though my skin feels too sensitive for my clothes, I collapse against him, blubbering that I couldn’t let him die.

We are tangled in each other’s arms when the barriers finally fall, and the crowd gets their first glimpse of success. Faster than I can blink, Nolan’s parents are at our sides, helping us to our feet.

Lillian runs her hands over Nolan’s face and arms, as if checking for some kind of physical sign. “Did it work? Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” He laughs, fending off her hands with a big hug. Nolan lifts her off the ground and spins her around. “I’m better than fine. I’m cured. Callie healed me.”

His mother shakes with sobs of relief, clutching him as if she’s afraid he’ll disappear.

Robert holds me steady as I find my feet, exhaustion dragging at my limbs. He pulls me into a sudden hug. “Thank you for giving us our son back. We are forever in your debt.”

I pat him on the shoulder when he also breaks down into sobs. “It’s okay. Everything is okay now.”

The rest of the parents make it to us, and Kaleb’s dad gently extracts me from Robert’s relief driven embrace. He takes over hugging the man, offering kind, soothing words. Nolan’s aunt and Kaleb’s mom coax Lillian away from her son long enough for Dalia to check his vitals.

My nan and grandmother take turns hugging me and sharing how very proud they are of me. Over their shoulders, I search for the rest of my guys. I expect them to be near, waiting for their turn to see Nolan well. Instead, they have viselike grips on Gina and Neva, dragging them back to the circle from the outer tree line.

Throwing them down on the ground, Connor spits, “Tried to escape.”

Cold fury burns away my exhaustion as I’m once again filled by something ancient and powerful—something that demands justice. Ice crusts the barren ground, and my grandmothers are quickly tugged away before they are caught within its vengeful clutches.
