Page 84 of Kindred Spirit

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“Babysitting?” Nolan scoffs, glaring up at him. “I don’t need to be watched. After today, I’ll be fine.”

Donovan gives him a you’re full of shit stare. “The crap you’ve been through doesn’t just fucking go away. You’re going to get some help to screw your head on straight, and only then will I believe you can be left alone.”

Kaleb sighs and shakes his head. “With that reasoning, all of us need some kind of therapy.”

“You’re not wrong,” I agree, imagining what it’d be like to tell a professional my life story and let them figure out how to deal with it. Too bad everything about me is a secret. “Is there a supernatural equivalent to a therapist? Preferably one you’re not related to?”

“Talking with one of my parents wouldn’t be a bad idea,” Kaleb counters, his brow furrowed in thought. “They have the education, have no direct ties to any witches outside of this town, and can obviously keep a secret.”

Yeah, I’ll just have to leave out the bit where I’m in love with their son, but also in love with all of his closest friends. Not sure they’d have a good opinion on that little arrangement.

“I’ll think about it,” I hedge, and then I do a mental count of days that have passed since my birthday. “Aren’t you guys supposed to be leaving for the nephilim retreat today?”

“Like we would miss this,” Donovan scoffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

“We’re leaving later today instead,” Kaleb supplies, placing a hand on Nolan’s shoulder. “We all thought it was more important to be here.”

“Then let’s not keep everyone waiting,” I state, looking around to find everybody now in position. With a fortifying breath, I focus on Nolan. “Ready to get back to your old self?”

“You have no idea,” he answers, slowly rising to his feet.

Turning at the waist, he waves at his parents who are huddled with Kaleb’s parents. Even from this distance, it’s hard to miss the tears in their eyes as they wave back.

I loop my arm through Nolan’s, and we walk at a slow, deliberate pace toward the circle. “I’m surprised your parents weren’t all over you until the last second.”

“They were driving me crazy,” Nolan confesses with a grimace. “I told them they were making me nervous, and that I needed space. That’s when… James called. Perfect timing.”

“Are you nervous?” I ask, trying to keep any lingering signs of my earlier panic attack out of my voice.

He shakes his head. “I’ve seen you in action, and honestly, anything is better than wasting away.”

“It’s going to be okay,” I promise, helping him over the first line of the circle so he doesn’t disturb the carefully placed spell components.

“I know it will be,” he replies, brushing his lips against my temple.

His footing wobbles when he sees Gina and Neva, but he doesn’t comment, doing his best to stand tall while we continue to the center. After stepping over another marked circle created from the same blood and other ingredients, I help Nolan down onto the grass. Sitting cross-legged before him, I take each of his hands into mine.

As I look into his eyes, I’m instantly filled with love and the certainty that today is the beginning of better days. I brush my thumbs over his knuckles. “All you need to do is focus on me and breathe. I’ll do the rest.”

“There’s an innuendo in there somewhere. When I’m not so tired, I’ll come up with a good one.” He laughs weakly, his lips pulling up into a crooked smile.

“You can brainstorm with the others later,” I tease, resting our joined hands on my knees. “Now, it’s time to do all the fancy magic, so no making me laugh… or anything else for that matter.”

His chuckle is rusty, and his eyes crinkle in the corners as his smile widens. “Any other day, I’d take that as a challenge, but it took most of my energy to walk over here. Don’t worry, I’ll be good.”

“First time ever,” I mutter and then nod at my nan, indicating we’re ready to begin.

The coven members join hands and begin to chant. There’s praying to the goddess for protection and coaxing the elements to hear their need. As their voices call as one, a lattice of vines spools from the earth, covered in fire that doesn’t burn, to create a dome over us. Shimmering droplets of water float within the hot wind that feeds the flames.

I close my eyes, pushing down my rising fear that the flames will consume me. These are not the same flames of my nightmares. They are here to protect those around me. They are safe. Nolan gives my hands a gentle squeeze, reminding me I’m not alone.

Breathing out all of my fear, I once again connect to the lines of magic all around me. I feel the lives of every person outside the circle and the various levels of magic flowing within them. Turning that focus inward, I reach into the well within me. It’s old and endless, separate but also a part of me. Filling myself with this ancient magic, I create a web of currents that lead into the Volkov family arcane focus.

With the lure in place, I push the magic threads into Nolan, causing him to gasp and shiver. The parasite reaches its tentacles toward the pure magic set like a meal before it. I wheel the threads back, keeping the magic out of reach. Its amorphous body stretches, flashing sharp teeth in its fury.

Nolan’s breaths become shallow pants between groans of pain as the parasite tries to hang onto his soul while also reaching for a far more tasty treat. Sweat beads on my skin, but I ignore my discomfort, keeping my focus on the creature and the bait. It tears at my heart knowing Nolan is suffering, but I can’t do anything for him until I get this disgusting parasite out of him.

Finally, the reach is too far, and the beast is forced to choose. With Nolan’s soul no longer covered by the parasite, I’m devastated to see how withered it’s become. However, in the eyes of the beast, it’s a simple choice. Like a viper, it lunges toward the magic lure, and I reel it in.
