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One of the first guests is a tall man who could give my husband a run for his money in the wholetoo gorgeous for wordscategory.

Only this guy's eyes? Are cold like January in Upstate New York.

"Prince Vittorio, may I extend our most sincere congratulations on behalf of Volyarus and my family?" Hottie McHotterson extends his hand to shake Rio's.

Rio introduced me, revealing the man is the Crown Prince of Volyarus. Goosebumps chased up my arm when the imposing man bends over my hand.

The Volyarussian prince moves on and I fan myself. "Wow. Who was that guy?"

"I introduced you." Rio's jaw is taut.

"Yes, but he's kind of intense, isn't he?"

"He's the perfect prince. My father only wishes I was as dutiful and committed to my country's welfare."

I don't like the sound of that. To my knowledge, Rio and his father never talked about the accusation our fathers made during that first volatile meeting after the wedding.

"So, you were just in Palermo on vacation?" I ask a little loudly after greeting another guest.

"No. I was on business, I told you."

"For Isole dei Re." Again, I speak louder than normal so our parents can hear.

Am I rubbing his and my father's noses in the message I'm trying to get across? Why, yes, yes I am.

"Yes, he was," his father answers for Rio. "We run many interests to support our island country's economy and Rio has taken a key role in some of the hardest but most lucrative for the country."

I'm perfectly happy to loop his dad into the conversation. "Huh. So, Rio must have taken a long break after university before diving into the country's business though, right? Travelled. Dated beautiful women. Played with the other young royals of the world."

Rio does another introduction before laughing drily. "Not a chance. I started working for the country's interests long before I graduated with my MBA from Harvard."

I give his father and mine a narrow-eyed glare before smiling up at my husband again. "I'd say you're pretty darn dutiful and committed to the best interests of your country then."

Rio doesn't reply, but he's smiling when he performs the next introduction.

And his mood is buoyant for the rest of the night, which we spend dancing with each other and our families, but alsoimportantpeople that expect the privilege.

Just like it would have been at our wedding if we'd had one.

For the millionth time, I'm glad we didn't.

CHAPTER 17: Tanzi


Two days after the reception, I have my first ultrasound.

They can't tell the baby's sex, but everything looks good. The doctor questions the dates, saying the baby and my uterus are measuring a week smaller than they should be.

"Is she okay?" I ask, worry I can't help dripping from my voice. "Why would she measure small?"

"The baby might be a he," Rio teases.

But I don't smile. I'm scared. "You know when I got pregnant and we were apart for the weeks after, so there's no question about the due date. There must be something wrong."

"Do the measurement again," Rio insists immediately.

When he does, the doctor smiles. "Baby shifted and now heorshe is measuring exactly right."

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