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No, I don't know the precise details of his background, but I know what matters and he knows what matters about me.

The fact my dad makes the big tech billionaires look like small fish in his shark-infested waters isn't what matters. The fact I adore my dad? Yeah, that does.

That he wants me to follow up my Bachelor of Science in Psychology with an MBA so I can take over part of his global empire? Is too problematic for me to deal with, much less share with anyone else.

Regardless of what the future holds, I miss Rio with ridiculous intensity.

Yeah. The L-word is definitely sneaking around the back of my brain getting ready to pop out of my mouth.


Rio Keeps a Promise

The uptown location of the well-maintained apartment building is not a surprise. Tanzi comes from money but I haven’t had her investigated.

I'm not the heir to the throne. I can have a girlfriend without impeccable bloodlines and political affiliations. She doesn't have a criminal record and she's not front-page tabloid fodder.

That's as deep as I want to go into her background right now. And with a name like Menendez, it will take a security dive to find out more. It's nearly as common as Smith. Or Jones. Or Rossi.

Whoever her parents are, they've done a good job of keeping her out of the press.

They might be wealthy, but they aren't well known either.

Not like my parents. Except apparently, she's never heard of Isole dei Re because she has no idea I'm a prince.

And I like that. A lot.

Leaning on my rented Lambo, I text her.

RIO:Where R U?

TANZI:Studying in my room. Miss you.

I grin.

RIO:Come outside.

TANZI:What? R U HERE???!!!

RIO:Come outside and find out.

Scant minutes later the front door of apartment building bursts open. Tanzi's wearing a pair of sleep pants and tank top with tiny straps, no bra.

Of course I notice, but I’m pretty sure my dick notes it before my brain registers the way her curves sway under the thin cotton as she sprints toward me. Because I'm already painfully hard.

"Rio!" She launches herself at me.

I catch her with a laugh that breaks the tight bands that have been constricting my chest for the last three weeks. This is where I'm meant to be. With this woman in my arms.

It takes more self-control than it should not to yank her against me. My gaze fixed on the lips that haunt my dreams I pull her close with careful hands. "Porca miseria, Tanzi. I've missed you."

She nods, her eyes suspiciously bright and I have to kiss her.

It's a risk showing her affection in public like this, just like the time in Rome. If pictures of us together hit the tabloids, my family will erupt with more devastation than Mount Vesuvius.

Father has plans for me. Plans he only made me aware of this last week.

Plans I havezerodesire to follow through on.

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