Page 90 of Grumpy Makes Three

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Thetwomenwho’dslept in the Florida heat for two days and who’d looked beyond repair the hour before were gone. Mostly. They were in new suits and they were back to smelling good with their hair combed and their beards trimmed. They looked casual as they sat on their private plane, each of them with a glass of expensive liquor in hand. The only evidence of their time in the yard was their sunburns.

A stewardess appeared next to Joe with a glass jar of cream in her perfectly manicured hand. “Here’s the lotion you needed, sir. Do you need help applying it?”

My body stiffened. I didn’t want to see another woman touching them. Before I could get control of myself, I stood up and took the cream from her. “It’s my fault you both look like lobsters. I’ll do it.”

She smiled and nodded. “Of course, Ms. Walton.”

Joe studied me with a blank expression on his face. He’d been quiet since I’d agreed to go with them. “You don’t have-”

“I said I’d do it.” I opened the jar and moved closer to him. His legs were stretched out and I ended up standing between his knees as I scooped some of the cream into my hand. “You both went to the store over and over again. Why didn’t you buy sunscreen?”

He lifted his glass to his lips and took a slow drink as I leaned forward. When I brushed my fingers over his forehead, his eyes fluttered closed and he let out a soft sigh. “Didn’t think of it.”

I held my breath as I rubbed the cream down the bridge of his nose and across the top of his mouth. His cheeks were dark red and the skin was blistered and peeling. I was extra gentle over those spots and so focused that I didn’t feel his hand on my hip at first. I froze. What I wanted and what I thought I should want were at war inside my body.

Joe let out a yawn and his hand fell away. “I missed the way you touch me.”

I didn’t say anything and by the time I was finished rubbing the cream in, he was asleep. I moved to Collin next and felt the tremor in my hands increase as he watched me.

“Did you keep the sea glass?” His voice was quiet but his gaze was heavy.

I eased my fingers over his chin and thought about lying. I couldn’t kick him when he looked so down, though. “Yes.”

He closed his eyes and smiled. “Good.”

I finished his face and sat back down across from them. They were both asleep, their light snores filling the plane. I watched them, trying to see the men who kicked me out but it was getting harder.

They slept through the entire flight and only woke up when the plane was being shuttled into a small hanger. Joe rubbed his eyes and winced. Collin stretched and reached for me before catching himself. He shook his head and let his hand fall back to his side. I pretended I hadn’t seen anything and exited the plane to feel the normal heat of Lake Dun. It was so much better than Key West heat.

I was nervous to see Jud and I chewed more of my cuticles into bloody messes on the drive to the mansion. I chanced a look at the guys and licked my dry lips. “I saw things worked out okay for Carlos Cortez.”

Joe sat forward. “Thanks to you.”

“I mean… Technically, I was the reason he was almost canceled to begin with. I have a very clear memory of my naked photo posted alongside various articles.”

Collin’s eyes flashed as he growled. “Never fucking again. Most of the photos have already been taken down, Ada. Jud did good work getting our lawyers started on it so fast. We’ve also increased security. No one is going to get close enough to take pictures again.”

“You brought us Julia Mayhew, Ada. You saved Carlos’ campaign and the future of our businesses. You still chose to help us after how we treated you. We’ll never deserve you.” Joe flashed a small smile. “We can try, though.”

I stared out the window. “Where is Julia now?”

“She’s a witness in a federal case against her husband and the men he was wrapped up with. Because of the status of the case, she was taken into protective custody. That’s as much as we know.” Collin shrugged when I looked at him. “She said you saved her from her husband. After what she did to you, you were still a good person to her.”

“What else was there to do? He hit her.” I grimaced. “I hope he rots.”

Joe’s grin grew wider. “Blood thirsty?”

“He hurt you-” I stopped. “He hurt Jules and Carlos and a lot of other people probably. He deserves to be punished.”

“There’s a chance he won’t even make it to trial. He was in bed with dangerous men.” Joe rested his elbows on his knees. “The DA wanted to use you as an additional witness against Mayhew. Julia let on that you heard David’s confession without realizing it would suck you into their mess. I politely informed the DA that he could go fuck himself.”

I shuddered. The idea of testifying against anyone, much less scary bad guys, was too much for me. “Thank you.”

“We’ll always protect you, Ada.” Joe’s expression was fierce. “You will never find yourself in a position where you have to lie and work for three assholes again.”

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