Page 9 of Grumpy Makes Three

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I pushed my hair behind my ear and licked my lips. “No. How could you tell?”

He looked away. “I would’ve noticed you around.”

My entire body flushed. I stopped walking and I had a moment of clarity. My mom was always talking about moments of clarity. I moved closer to his chest and took a deep breath. “I’ve… I’ve never kissed anyone before. If you hadn’t rescued me tonight, I would’ve given my first kiss to Frank Gore and I don’t think I could’ve survived that.”

His eyes flicked down to my lips. “That would’ve been a tragedy.”

“You paid for a kiss.” I glanced down at his lips and watched as his tongue peeked out to wet them. “I owe you a kiss.”

“You want to kiss me?”

I glanced around and saw that we were standing outside of the crowded fair. Not wanting my first kiss with this stranger to be interrupted by a screaming kid running past us, I pulled him farther outside of the fair. Behind the tents set up for games, I pulled him down next to me on a green metal bench and leaned closer to him.

“You paid for a kiss and I owe you a kiss. It’s only right.” I swallowed as nerves threatened to ruin my plans.

He smiled then, and as his hand slowly trailed up my arm, I knew I was about to experience magic. “You saved your first kiss for a long time. Are you sure you want to give it to me?”

His hand was already cupping my face and pulling me closer. My breath caught as our eyes met so close. “Kiss me.”

His lips brushed mine so softly at first that I wanted to scream. I opened my eyes, desperate to see if he was pulling away after such a gentle kiss, and found his eyes still open, watching me. I’d waited nearly eighteen years to kiss someone and I refused to let him tease me with a playground kiss and leave me dying for more. Whatever I wrote in my journal that night, it was going to be good.

I grabbed his shoulders and pressed my mouth to his harder. He made a sound that was a mix between a laugh and a groan and it made me a little crazy. I watched TV. I saw my friends make out with their boyfriends. I’d felt turned on and I’d touched myself before, but nothing compared to the feelings the mystery man was causing in me. Maybe it was a little wild for my first kiss, but I didn’t care. I climbed into his lap and stroked my tongue over his lips. I wanted to taste him.

His hands settled on my hips and I wrapped my arms around his neck, thinking he was going to push me away. Instead, he dragged my body closer to his and groaned into my mouth. “Too much?”

I loved the feeling of his lips moving over mine, the feeling of his tongue stroking mine. I didn’t want to stop kissing him to answer and I figured he got the point. I felt my t-shirt ride up and his fingers on the bare skin at my side. It was electric and I suddenly got it. I got what my mom’s romance novels were all about. I got what my friends meant when they talked about sex.

He hardened under me and I gasped at the feeling of it, pressing into my inner thighs. He shifted and apologized against my mouth but I pressed my weight into him and a breathy moan escaped my bruised lips at the feeling of his hardness against me.

He kissed down my jaw and the feeling of his mouth sucking at the skin under my ear made my hips rock forward on him. I didn’t think about him marking my skin or anything else but how right his mouth felt. I ran my hands through his hair and tugged at it. He pressed his mouth to my ear and nipped me with his teeth before rushing out a whispered question. “What’s your name, sweet girl?”

I opened my mouth to answer when movement out of the corner of my eye caught my attention. I pulled away from my mystery guy when I realized I was staring at Mallory and she looked panicked.

She looked even more panicked as she saw me sitting on top of a random guy. “We have to go, right now! Your mom called Jenny’s mom and they know you lied. My mom’s freaking out, too.”

My stomach dropped. My mom was going to murder me. I climbed off of my mystery guy and winced when I looked down at him and saw him doing his best to hide the state of his pants. A wild grin broke out across my lips and I leaned down to kiss him once more. “Best first kiss ever.”

He grabbed my hand before I could pull away. “What’s your name?”

“Come on! If our mom’s talk to each other, they’ll make each other angrier!” Mallory’s eyes filled with tears. “I’m going to be so grounded.”

“Wait!” Mystery guy stood up and pulled me closer. “Your name.”

The moment of clarity had vanished and in its place was a moment of hazy magic. I felt wild and free and wanted to stay that way. I grinned up at him. “Meet me here tomorrow and I’ll tell you.”

He moved to kiss me but Mallory grabbed my other arm and tugged me away. His eyes stayed glued to mine. “I’ll be here. I promise.”

As our fingers slipped apart, I turned and ran with Mallory, my smile cemented on my face. It wasn’t until I was in Mallory’s car with her speeding back towards our home town that I thought about what I’d done. Why hadn’t I gotten his name or given him mine? What the heck was I thinking?

“Your parents are going to freak out when they see you if you don’t hide that hickey, Ada.” Mallory glanced over at me and laughed. “You skank. Whowasthat?”

I flipped the visor mirror down and screamed when I saw myself. “I need makeup. Where’s your makeup, Mallory?!”

“I didn’t bring it!”

I rubbed at the hickey on my neck and groaned. “I’m so dead.”

“Yeah, your parents are never going to let you leave the house again.”

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