Page 72 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“We’d be more than happy to help you and your family, Mr. Carrington. I am so incredibly sorry about this mix-up. All future contracts would-”

I hung up and turned to Collin. “Hear that?”

His face was red as he nodded. “She lied to us. If she’s not a nanny, who the fuck is she?”

Another text came in from my assistant and I opened it to see a complete dossier on Ada Walton. As I read her history, a small twinge of a memory played through my mind. Until Ada had showed up at our house, we’d eaten breakfast at a diner called Henry’s once a week. According to the report I was reading, Ada had been a waitress there. I could almost make out Ada’s curls in my memory of the diner but I wasn’t sure.

I closed the message and looked up the number for Henry’s. When no one answered the line, I directed our driver to take us there.

“Henry’s?” Collin held up his phone. “The diner they’re talking about is Henry’s? When did we get someone fired from Henry’s?”

“I don’t know but we’re going to find out. I want to know everything before we confront her.”



“Oh!Mr.Carrington.We haven’t seen you in quite some time. We were just about to close but we’ll stay open for you.” Henry was a short man with a shiny head and beady eyes that never quite met mine.

“I’m not here to eat.”

Collin stepped inside after me and looked around. “Did Ada Walton work here?”

The man’s face reddened. “Yes, sir. But I fired her after that horrible business with the hair.”

I frowned. “What are you talking about?”

He leaned in and whispered. “The hair on your plate, sir. The last time you came in?”

I remembered being disgusted but that was it. Henry seemed to sense my confusion because he rushed on.

“Ada waitressed for you all that day and she left a hair on your plate. You voiced your displeasure and I took care of it. I’m sorry, sir, but do you mind if I ask what this is about? Ada hasn’t worked here since the last time you came in. If she’s done something since then. I’ve had nothing to do with it.”

“Thanks. That’s all.” I looked at Collin as we walked out. “She got fired and blamed us and then what? Decided to get back at us?”

“If she wanted to hurt us, she did it. Stock prices are plummeting.” He scrolled to another tab on his phone and swore. “Carlos is already being hit by this. There are already ten articles about his lack of core family values. Sonofabitch.”

I sank into the limo and rested my head against the back of the seat. “She fucked us.”

“For what?!” Collin’s voice was so loud it was nearly painful in the back of the car. “Because her boss fired her from her shitty job?”

“What are the chances she’s working for Mayhew?” I rubbed my hands down my face as reality settled in around me like a ton of boulders. “The timing of this coming out is too much for it to be a coincidence.”

Collin tapped at his phone for a minute and then slammed it down on the seat next to him. “I saw Ada walking the trail around the lake with another woman a couple of weeks ago. I didn’t recognize Mayhew’s wife but it was her. I just came across a photo of the two of them together and it was fucking her. Ada’s coffee date buddy is Julie Mayhew.”

“I guess we found the source.” I yanked my bowtie off and ripped off the top buttons of my shirt as I tried to get it open. I couldn’t breathe with it tightening around my throat. I let out a primal shout and slammed my fist into the mini bar fridge. “She’s been reporting everything to Julie Mayhew while pretending to be sweet and kind and loving to the kids. To us. The nerve of her to call me a bad fucking dad when she’s a lying piece of shit. She has to go. Now.”

Collin nodded. “I don’t want her anywhere near our kids.”

I dialed the number of the security company we used for our businesses. “Garvis. I want a team at our house with the police as soon as you can get them there. I want patrols of our property and scans for photographers all day long for the foreseeable future. We need Ada Walton removed from our home. She’s no longer allowed on the property. Ever again.”

“Yes, sir. Will she go willingly?”

“I don’t fucking care how she goes as long as she’s fucking gone.”

“Understood, sir.”

Collin stared at me after I dropped my phone and nodded. “It’s what needs to be done.”

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