Page 69 of Grumpy Makes Three

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I scoffed. “What the hell? You saw that?! That’s so embarrassing.”

“It wasn’t! It was hot. From what I could see, anyway. It’s not like I could make out the details. Unfortunately.”

“Jules, I… You can’t repeat a word of this. Promise me.” I waited until she promised to continue. “I’ve been with all three of them. It’s… I don’t even have words for it. I’ve never felt anything like it.”

“Holy shit, Ada. You have it bad already, don’t you?” She cleared her throat and sighed. “Just be careful. These men aren’t the falling in love type. The father in my family here cheats on his wife all the time. It seems to just be the norm.”

Milo stirred next to me and I leaned over to gently rub his back. “I don’t know, Jules. They’re different. I wish I could tell you everything.”

“There’s more?” She laughed. “I had you pegged as a goody-goody when I first met you, but you’re a little wild. I like it.”

“I took the job just to torture them. That’s how much I disliked them, Jules. I thought they were monsters. And now… Now, I think I would be crushed if I had to walk away.” I bit my lip. “This is crazy, right? How can my opinion change so much in so little time?”

“You took the job to torture them?” She howled with laughter. “Sorry. I’m so sorry. That’s just hilarious.”

“I’m not even a nanny. I was a waitress. A waitress they got fired.” I fell silent at that, knowing that bit of information was hanging over my head with the guys. “I came here to rip them a new one and they thought I was their new nanny. I just stayed, Jules. It was the craziest thing I’ve ever done. I can’t regret it, though. I… I feel something for them. As crazy as it sounds, I want this to work out so badly.”

“Whoa.” She was silent for a minute and then let out a short laugh. “You really blew my mind here, Ada. Wow.”

“I know.”

“Are you worried about them finding out?”

“Of course, I am. I don’t want to lose them. Or the kids. I love them.” I gasped. “I mean I love the kids.”

“Wow, Ada. You’ve got it bad.” She hesitated and I could practically feel her struggling with what she wanted to say. “Just be careful giving them your heart, Ada. Men like them, men like the father in my house…they don’t really ever let outsiders in. You’ll never be part of their family. Not really.”

Her words cut deep but I knew she wasn’t trying to hurt me. I cleared my throat and then let out a deep sigh. “What if they’re not like that?”

“What if they are?”

Milo pulled away from me and scrunched up his face. I could tell he was about to start crying. “Shit. I have to go, Jules. Milo’s waking up cranky. Thanks for letting me gush, Jules. I really appreciate you. Even if you just gave me the reality check that I probably needed.”

“I just don’t want to see you get hurt. You’re a nice person, Ada.” She said goodbye and we both hung up.

“Hey, buddy. What’s wrong?” I picked Milo up and held him to my chest. “You’re okay. I’ve got you.”

He leaned back and then vomited all over my chest. Instantly he was wide awake and crying. “Aya!”

I gagged but managed to keep my own sickness down as I stood up and rushed us to the closest bathroom. Milo wouldn’t let me put him down so I could get us both out of our dirty clothes so I had no choice but to step into the shower with him, both of us fully clothed. I rinsed us both off as best as I could and felt my panic rise as Milo’s little body burned hot against mine.

He continued to cry and shiver against me before throwing up again. I got out and wrapped him in several towels before running with him to Joe’s office. His wails hit an impressive pitch as I threw open Joe’s door. He was on the phone but he hung up as soon as he saw us.

“He’s sick. Can you call Jud down here? Do we need to take him to the doctor? He threw up.”

Joe called Jud down over the intercom and then dialed someone on his cell phone. “Dr. Morgan? Milo’s sick. Can you come now?”

I stroked the back of Milo’s head and outwardly panicked to Joe once he was off the phone. “I didn’t realize how hot he’d gotten. I was on the phone while he napped. He was fine before. I should’ve been paying attention. I should’ve-”

“He’s probably fine, Ada. Kids get sick and throw up all the time.” He came over to us and smiled down at Milo. “Did you throw up on Ada? Sure smells like you did.”

I frowned. “It’s fine. How long until the doctor gets here?”

“Fifteen minutes. Maybe twenty.” He brushed my curls out of my face. “It’s okay, Ada. Milo’s going to be fine.”

“Fifteen minutes?” I could feel Milo’s body burning up against mine and started to really panic. “Maybe we should just drive to the hospital? He’s really burning up. He threw up twice, Joe. Would it be faster if we just drove him? Do we have a thermometer here? I’ve never seen one. Is it in the first aid kit? Should we give him something now? What do kids take?”

Jud came in behind me and took in the situation with wide eyes before scooping Milo into his own embrace. He felt his head and frowned. “You called Dr. Morgan?”

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