Page 64 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“If you and Uncle Joe and Uncle Jud can kiss Ada, why can’t we kiss Leanne?” Alex knocked over his sand castle and shrugged. “Seems unfair to me.”

“Yeah. If we want to kiss Leanne, we can. Not that we’re ready for that. Maybe we’ll do that when we leave for college.” Avery pushed Alex’s shoulder. “Come on. Let’s go play sharks and mess with Kendall.”

“Did he say college?” Collin held the back of my head and let out a heavy sigh. “I think I need to sit down.”

“This is exhausting. I’m going to be so embarrassed if I fall asleep tonight.” Jud grunted as Milo squealed straight into his ear and thrashed his little body around. “Oh, Milo, bud… You’re killing me.”

“Tonight? What’s tonight?” I laughed at the way all three of their heads snapped in my direction. Moving over to stand in front of him, I reached up and booped Milo on the nose. “Relax, little man. Enjoy this pretty day with your daddy. Do you want to swim?”

“You’re joking, right?” Joe gripped my hip in his big hand and squeezed. “Right?”

I flashed him a smile and scooped Milo into my arms. “Come on, kid. Let’s splash Daddy. Yeah? You think that’s funny? You want to splash Daddy?”

Jud scooped me off of my feet and carried me and Milo both into the water. “Daddy thinks the two of you are plotting to give me a headache.”

I met his gaze for a split second before he dropped me into the lake and the heat that passed between us made my heart race. I kept Milo out of the water and he laughed wildly when he got splashed.

“Daddy is naughty!” Milo splashed Jud and then stretched his arms out for Jud to hold him. “Love you, Daddy.”

Jud held his son close and blew out a shaky breath. When I glanced up, he had tears in his eyes. “I love you, too, Milo.”



Istoodbackfromthe guys as they waved goodbye to the kids. My parents were taking them to the movies and I was left alone for the first time with all three of the Carrington brothers. I turned and sprinted deeper into the house, fully planning on driving the guys crazy before anything happened. I ran upstairs and stopped just long enough to yank off my shirt and drop it in the middle of the hallway. A few feet more and I kicked out of my shorts. In just my underwear, I slipped into one of the guest rooms. Plastering myself against the door, I caught my breath and grinned to myself. I could so easily picture their faces, the same frustrated faces they’d made that morning when I’d teased them. I didn’t know why I’d woken up and chosen to torture them but I figured, deep down, I just really loved riling the Carrington brothers.

With my ear pressed against the door, I heard Joe calling my name. I held my breath as he walked by and had to stifle a laugh as I heard him growling out his frustration. Jud and Collin trailed behind him, both of them swearing about getting their hands on me. After they both passed and I felt like the coast was clear, I slipped out of the room and tiptoed downstairs. I let myself into Joe’s office and settled in his chair while I brought up the intercom.

“You guys sure are taking your time finding me. The movie isn’tthatlong, guys. Come on. I’m waiting.” I stepped out of my underwear and left them on top of Joe’s desk before silently leaving the office. I could hear the guys’ feet pounding down the main stairs so I hurried up one of the back staircases.

I knew Joe’s room so it felt natural to go there to wait on them. I figured they’d be watching the security system by that time and would see me so I posed in front of the door and tried to level out my breathing. The anticipation was making me crazy and I was somehow equally dying for them to show up already and terrified of what would happen once they did.

“Go inside, brat. We’ll be there soon.” Joe’s growly voice filtered through his door from the intercom inside.

I did as he said but as soon as I was inside his room, I stumbled to a stop. His bedroom was lit with the glow of candles. In the middle of his bed was a massive bouquet of flowers and the best part was that I could tell someone had picked the flowers from the yard. I looked around the room and felt my reality shifting to include a real possibility of a future with the guys. Beyond the candles and the flowers, it was the thought they’d put into making me feel special.

The door opened behind me and I spun around to face them. Joe came inside first, his eyes flashing and hungry as he pulled me into his chest and captured my mouth in a heated kiss. He held my face and stroked his tongue past my lips, tasting me before pulling back.

“You’re a tease, Ada.” His voice was rough as he spoke and I could feel his erection digging into my stomach.

I gasped as warm lips pressed against my shoulder from behind. My mind registered that there were two men touching me at the same time and I whimpered. “Not a tease.”

Jud’s voice was full of gravel as he spoke against the shell of my ear. “Because teases don’t put out?”

Collin circled around me, his eyes never moving from mine. “You ran from us. Do you not want this?”

I bit my lip, understanding that Collin was challenging me at my own game. He was teasing me back while his brothers both hovered in front of and behind me.

Collin grinned. “Well? If you want this, you have to say it, Ada.”

I pressed my ass back into Jud’s cock and moaned as he gripped my hips and ground into me. “I want it.”

Joe’s eyes trailed down my naked body before settling on my chest. “That’s not good enough. Louder.”

My face flushed and I felt my wetness spreading. “I want it.”

Jud’s fingers bit into my flesh as he nipped at my earlobe. “Still not good enough.”

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