Page 57 of Grumpy Makes Three

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Jud’s quiet mood had vanished with my parents’ appearance. With them, he was faster to smile and faster to open up, I’d noticed. He pulled out his phone and tapped away at it. “These are a few of my latest pieces. They were commissioned.”

Mom gasped and dragged Jud’s phone and his arm closer so Dad could look. “Honey, you are brilliant! These are beautiful. Have you seen these, Ada? Come over here and look at these.”

It was Jud’s laughing eyes that made me walk over to them. Standing between my mom and Jud, I looked down at his phone and felt my heart beat faster. He was good. I hadn’t seen anything he’d done, other than the paintings of me, but he was better than good. The painting I was staring at was a busy city street with a man stopped on the sidewalk, disrupting traffic. The expressions on the faces of the people around the men were so alive that I could feel their frustration.

“Jud…” I looked at him and had to swallow down a strange rise of emotion. “This is… You’re… Wow.”

His cheeks went pink as he shoved the phone back in his pocket and cleared his throat. “Thanks.”

“Jud is wildly talented. Ever since he was a kid he had something in his hand that he could make art with.” Joe smiled at his little brother with so much love shining in his eyes. “Our dad used to scream about the drawings on the walls. But when we moved out, I bought a house with all white walls and had Jud go crazy. There’s no telling how much the walls of that house would be worth now. The famous Jud Carrington’s early works.”

Jud stiffened beside me. “I hardly remember the shouting. I was young. What I do remember is walking into that house and finding paint and brushes just for me. It was better than Christmas.”

“Is it okay if I ask where your parents are now?” Mom had reached out and taken Jud’s hand in hers. She looked between the three of them and I could see she was already crazy about them.

Joe sat up straighter and finished his glass of whiskey. “Our mom left when I was sixteen and we left my dad two years later, as soon as we could. I hired a PI a few years ago and found out they’re both dead now.”

My heart broke for the little boys they must’ve been. I leaned into Jud and tried to keep my feet on solid ground where they were concerned. It wasn’t easy, especially with my parents opening them up.

“Oh, sweet babies. I’m so sorry.” Mom got up and made her way around the table squeezing them in tight hugs. “You know what? Maybe this is early, but you can claim us as extra parents, if you’d like. Any of the big questions that you might need a parent for? Call us. Night or day.”

Collin hugged Mom back as tightly as she hugged him. “I appreciate that. Ada is lucky to have parents like you two.”

Despite the dozens of times they’d embarrassed me already that day, I agreed. “I really am.”

“I’m so glad our Ada found you three.” Dad smiled and followed Mom in hugging the guys.

“Dad…” I sighed. “I didn’tfindthem. I’m their nanny.”

Jud rested his palm in the small of my back. “Just give it up, sweet girl. You found us.”

I met his gaze and lost myself for a moment. His eyes dug into me and left me feeling completely exposed. I felt like he could see everything I’d ever been and ever wanted. My heart raced and I had to force my eyes away from his as a sense of panic washed over me at the idea of what he might see.

“Well… These two golden oldies are headed to bed. That doesn’t mean the party has to end, though.” Mom winked at all of us and giggled. “I know ours won’t. Isn’t that right, Ken?”

“Mom!” I sank into the chair next to Jud and dropped my head onto the table. The only thing keeping me from banging it down a few times was Jud’s hand resting on the back of my neck.

“What? You should be glad that we’re still active. It’s a good sign for your future! You’re still going to have it well into your sixties!” Mom stood on her tiptoes and kissed Dad. “Okay. Nighty night.”

Dad grinned as Mom tugged him from the room. “Oh! Ada, will you get Kitten from the twin’s room and walk him? I’m sure one of your handsome men will help. Or maybe all three. No judgment here.”

“Not. My. Men.” I groaned. “I’ll walk the dog. Although, I’m pretty sure he’s going to walk me.”

Joe sighed. “I’ll do it.”



IthoughtI’dbewalking Kitten alone but Ada joined me just before I let myself out. I frowned at her when she giggled at me. “I don’t want to hear a word about this. I’m doing this for your parents.”

She bit her lip and nodded. “Sure.”

As soon as we were outside in the muggy night air, Kitten tugged me towards the grass. “This is not an appropriate leash. And what kind of name is Kitten for a dog? Did you see him jump up on the kitchen island earlier?”

Ada reached down and unhooked Kitten’s leash. “The yard is fenced in. He’ll be fine. I saw Dad do it earlier, so if it goes wrong, we can blame him.”

“What are your parents doing with this dog?”

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