Page 55 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“Sorry, Ken. It just wasn’t in our cards.” Mom bent over and ran her hands over the floor. “That’s real stone, isn’t it?”

“I don’t know, Mom.” I’d answered a dozen questions just like that one already and my nerves just kept getting worse. Finally, I turned to my mom and dad and admitted to myself why I was so nervous. Then I admitted it to them. “I need to talk to you guys about something.”

Mom screamed. “You’re pregnant!”

“No!” I shushed her and pulled them both into the library with me. Even the rows and rows of books didn’t distract Mom from freaking out that I could be pregnant. “Mom, I’m not pregnant. I’m not.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and frowned. “Then why’d you get me all excited like that?”

“Mandy, let her talk.”

I shoved my curls off of my forehead as a wave of heat washed over me. Sweat instantly beaded along my upper lip. “So, this is a little weird, maybe. I have to tell you both, though, because I feel like I’m going to have a heart attack if I don’t.”

“Oh, my god, Ada. If you’re not pregnant, nothing you say is going to garner that big of a reaction.” Mom eyed my stomach. “You’re sure you’re not pregnant?”

“Mom! I’m just bloated. Thanks a lot.”

“Alright. Both of you, settle down.” Dad put his hand on my shoulder and squeezed. “Just tell us, honey.”

“I slept with all three of my bosses.” I blurted it out and then turned away from them. “I know, I know! That’s crazy, right? It was so bad of me. It just happened, though.”

“Were you safe?”

I spun back around to face my mom. “Mom! Don’t ask me that. This isn’t a question and answer type of situation.”

“So youcouldbe pregnant!” Mom jumped up and down and clapped her hands. “That’s amazing!”

Dad grinned at me when he saw my shocked expression. “What? We really want a grandbaby. And honestly, Ada, we don’t care who you sleep with. You know that. If you want to marry all three of them, we wouldn’t care. We just really want a grandbaby.”

I scoffed. “This is ridiculous.”

“Would you prefer we be upset about the loss of our adult daughter’s innocence? We all know that train departed a long time ago, honey.” Dad shrugged. “We’re simple folks, kid. As long as you’re happy, we’re happy.”

“As long as I’m happy and pop out a baby, you mean.”

“Yep.” He laughed and pulled Mom into his chest. Wrapping his arms around her, he rested his chin on her shoulder. “Are you still sleeping with them?”

I knew my entire body was blood red. I was too close to my parents, that much was obvious. “No. I stopped. I don’t want to hurt anyone and I don’t know if I could choose one of them. I… I like them each.”

“This is so cute. You were never this excited about Camden. Or the boyfriend before him. Or the one before him.” Mom cupped my face in her hands and beamed at me. “I am so proud of you, honey.”

I scowled at her and backed out of her reach. “This is messed up. You’re proud of me for sleeping around.”

“I’m proud of you for not letting what happened with Camden waste your time. And maybe I’m a little bit proud of you for sleeping around. You need to explore and figure out what you want while you’re still young.” Mom waved away my horrified expression. “Anyway. I have loads to tell you about your ex, by the way.”

I looked up and saw all three of the Carrington brothers joining us in the library. I felt my worlds colliding and cringed. “I thought you guys were working?”

Joe shot me a look before extending his hand to my parents. “It’s really nice to meet you, Mr. and Mrs. Walton. Joseph Carrington. And these are my brothers, Collin and Judson.”

My mom looked at me and gave me a wide-eyed grin while also giving me a thumbs up that everyone saw. “Wow. You boys are quite the pack, aren’t you? Oh, and call me Mandy.”

Dad took his turn shaking their hands and clapping them on the arm like he was their football coach. “And call me Ken. None of that Mr. and Mrs. stuff. Especially when you’ve already gotten so acquainted with my daughter.”

I choked on my spit as I tried to cough loudly to cover up Dad’s statement. Of course, it was too little, too late. Dad patted me on the back and then pressed his hand to my cheeks.

“You’re burning up, honey. Are you sick?”

I grimaced. “I wish.”

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