Page 44 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“Mi-wo flowa.”

I plucked a single flower from Jud’s bouquet and snapped it off so it was shorter and slid it into Milo’s pocket. “This is Milo’s flower. Okay?”

He shrugged but he wasn’t as focused on Kendall’s flower anymore so I considered it a win.

I glanced up and saw the guys all watching me and immediately felt self-conscious. “What? Did you guys already have bouquets? Do you not like them?”

Joe stepped forward and lightly ran his finger over my wrist. “It’s amazing. You think of everything, Ada. You don’t have one from you, though.”

I shrugged. “I know. I ran out of time. It’s okay, though. You guys are more important. Now let’s go! I’m so excited.”



Thelimowaitingoutsidetook me by surprise. I laughed giddily as I thought about how it felt like we were going to prom. A driver held the back door open for us and I glanced in to see a carseat for Milo.

“Good evening, ma’am. Gentlemen.”

I smiled at the driver and tried to contain my excitement. “Good evening to you. I love your hat.”

He cracked a smile before growing serious again. “Thank you, ma’am.”

The boys got in first and then I tried to gracefully crawl in. It wasn’t easy with the way my hips were basically glued together, but I managed it. I was finishing buckling Milo in when I heard a phone ringing. Jud and Collin were already in the limo so I knew it was Joe. A bad feeling came over me as I waited for him to get in.

Just as Collin opened his mouth to say something, Joe leaned down to look in at us. He held up his phone and winced. “I can’t miss this call. I’m sorry. I have to take it. Give the flowers to Ken from you, Ada, and I’ll get her something else.”

Silence fell over the car. Even the boys sensed danger in the air. Tingles erupted all over the top of my head and moved all over my body as pure rage took over. I struggled to get out of the car and felt Collin’s hand on my elbow just as I was almost out.


I yanked my arm free and finished getting out. The driver stood back, confused about what was happening. I closed in on Joe, who had dropped the flowers in the seat and turned around like it was no big deal for him to miss his daughter’s performance. I tapped him on the shoulder and when he turned around, he looked surprised to see me. He motioned towards the phone but he must’ve seen something in my eyes that told him he needed to put the phone away.

“Let me call you back, Paul. Give me two minutes.” He shoved the phone in his pocket and held up his hands. “Look, Ada, I know you wanted-”

“Not me. Your daughter. Your daughter wants you there. She hasn’t given up on you, although I’m wondering right about now why not.” I leaned in closer. “If you don’t get in that car right now to go support your daughter, I quit.”

He started to laugh, like he didn’t believe me.

“I swear, Joe. I’ll quit right here and now. I’d rather be jobless than walk into that play just to see the look on Kenny’s face when she sees you chose something else over her. Again.”

“Ada, it’s work. I can’t-”

I gestured at the house beside us. “You can! You can do anything you want because you’re a super rich asshole! You just choose not to do the things that aren’t as important to you! Make your choice, Joe. Are you staying to work and search for a new nanny or are you coming?”

His eyes were narrowed in on me, searching for the crack in my armor. His jaw muscles clenched and I could tell he wanted to fight with me. He leaned closer until we were nose to nose. “You’re not leaving.”

“Well, then, I guess you’re coming tonight. Great!” I turned around and marched back to the car, crossing my arms over my chest as I went. I stood at the door and waited to see what he was going to do. “What’s it going to be, Joe?”

His energy was a black storm as he stalked towards me. He leaned down and grabbed the flowers before motioning for me to get in.

I smiled sweetly, but it didn’t reach my eyes. “Thank you.”

I got back in the limo and buckled in across from Jud and Collin, next to Joe. I closed my eyes and took some deep breaths in and out, trying my best to get back to my good mood so I could be present for Kendall. I felt Joe shift beside me but I ignored him. He was lucky I wasn’t violent because I would’ve loved to jab one of my heels into his toes.

Joe stretched his arm out behind me and chuckled under his breath when I leaned forward so his arm wouldn’t touch me. I shot him a dirty look and he smirked. “I think you might be my karma.”

I scoffed. “That’s rude!”

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