Page 35 of Grumpy Makes Three

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He laughed and I felt his cock jump under me. When I shot him an incredulous look, he shrugged. “He has a mind of his own.”

I frowned. “I should probably go.”

He frowned back at me. “I should kick you out. Or fire you.”

“Do it tonight and you’re going to have to wheel me out.” I swallowed as I felt his fingers teasing the inner crease of my ass. “Joe?”

He trailed his finger through my wetness and went back to my ass. Pressing the tip of his finger deeper, just until I bit my lip and looked at him with wide eyes, he groaned. “Stay for tonight.”

I swallowed. “I shouldn’t.”

His lips slowly curled into a smile and I realized I was gently rocking against his touch. “Do I need to beg?”

He was already hard again and I was sucked into his orbit. He didn’t beg and I didn’t need him to. I licked my lips. “One night.”

“One night.” He agreed.



Thegoodthingaboutsleeping with Joe, besides the orgasms, was that I felt too guilty to face Collin. It made the next three weeks strained, but I just kept pushing them into more family time and made sure there was always a kid to act as a buffer. The bad thing was that I was keeping my distance from Joe so that meant he didn’t have my constant badgering to hang out with Kendall. So he wasn’t. I was eaten up with guilt over that, too, but I just kept telling myself that everything was going to work out just fine. Joe would see his brothers falling in love with being dads and he’d join in.

I kept my weekly coffee dates with Jules but we met at her house. I never told her about sleeping with Collin or Joe because I didn’t want her to see me as a stereotype. We joked about our jobs and she kept me up to date about what was happening in the rest of the neighborhood. Which meant I learned all about the problems plaguing upper class Lake Dun. It was weird.

I started talking to my parents daily because without talking to the guys, I was suffering from a lack of adult conversation. Of course, I didn’t tell them everything, but they knew there was more that I was keeping quiet about. I was pretty sure Mom knew what it was but she let me keep my secrets.

As it turned out, the final week of the kids’ first camp of the summer was full of performances and parents’ days to show off what the kids did so far. Kendall had a play later in the week but the twins had their big day first. They’d gone to a science camp and had done their own experiments and it was their time to show off what they’d found. I knew they wanted Collin there but the longer I waited for them to invite him, the more worried I got that he wouldn’t make it. I left it in the boys’ hands, wanting them to make the effort for their dad, too. He needed to see they wanted him at their events, that they loved him so much.

When I arrived at their camp, though, I looked around for Collin and frowned. Finding the boys, I knelt in front of them. “Where’s your dad?”

Avery shrugged. “We didn’t tell him.”

“What? Why not? We agreed that you were going to invite him.”

Alex picked at his thumb. “He wouldn’t have wanted to come anyway.”

I frowned. “We’re going to talk about this later. Stay here and get ready to impress. I’ve got to make a call.”

Outside of the Murphy Science Center I dialed Collin’s number and hoped he took my call. When he picked up on the first ring, I stammered for a second before figuring out what I wanted to say. “Hey. I need you to come to the boys’ camp. They have this exhibit today… It’s parents’ day, basically, and you should be here.”

Collin was silent for so long that I started to worry he’d hung up on me. “You’re at their parents’ day?”

I winced. “Yes. I wanted to come and support them. They were supposed to ask you last week, Collin, but-”

“You’re not their mother, Ada.” He sounded harsh but I could hear movement on his end. “Why didn’t you tell me about this?”

I spoke quietly to try to calm him down. I just wanted him to get there for his boys. He could be angry at me all he wanted. “Just get here, Collin. You have time.”

“This is bullshit, Ada. You pressure me for weeks to be better for my kids and then you manage to not tell me about parents’ day? What the hell?”

“I’ll see you when you get here, Collin.”

“You can leave.”

Okay, that was too far for me. “Shut up, Collin. You can be pissy at me all you want but you can’t make me leave. I told the twins I’d be here for them and I’m not going anywhere. I’m sorry they didn’t tell you about today but if you hadn’t disappointed them for so many years, maybe they would’ve told you. God, I was having a good day and I’m not going to let you ruin it. Just get here so we can smile and watch the twins do science. Jerk.”

I went inside and leaned against the back wall of the small auditorium where the presentations were being held. I waved to the boys and watched their faces swivel to the door over and over again. I also got to watch how they lit up with pure happiness when Collin walked in. He smiled and waved at them before scanning the crowd and spotting me. His lips turned down and he made a point of sitting about as far away from me as he could.

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