Page 21 of Grumpy Makes Three

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Mainly because I couldn’t face that pool after what I’d done with their father so close to it. I couldn’t say that, though, so I just shrugged. “The lake is better. You’ll see.”

I wasn’t sure how I managed it but ten minutes later I had my little ragtag group changed into their swimsuits and carrying their own towels. We’d met back in the hallway between the kids’ rooms and made our way downstairs together. We’d just made it outside when a thought occurred to me.

“Should we see if your dads want to come?”

Kendall groaned. “No.”

Alex and Avery looked hesitant but Avery finally shrugged. I could see the way they both hesitated to hope and it ate at me. Collin was coming swimming with his kids if it was the last thing I did.

“Wait right here.” I hurried inside and raced down the forbidden hallway to Collin’s office. I forgot about the rules and even let myself in without knocking, startling Collin enough that he dropped his cellphone and cursed.

“Fuck!” He picked up the phone and said something in language I didn’t recognize before hanging up and glaring at me. “Was I not clear about the rules regarding this hallway, Ada?”

I ignored his attitude and rushed around his desk to see if I could watch the kids from his windows. I could just see them and let out a relieved breath when I saw they weren’t moving from where I’d left them. Turning back to Collin, I found him closer than I would’ve preferred after our night but I pushed through. For the kids. “We’re going to the lake to swim and I think you should come.”

His face pinched and he rubbed at his temples. Taking a deep breath, he blew it out slowly before shaking his head at me. “I was worried about this. Last night wasn’t an invitation for you to try and date me.”

I stared at him for a few seconds, trying to process if he was serious, and then I burst out laughing. Doubling over, I had to grip his desk to keep from falling. “You think… That’s… Oh, my god…”

Collin growled. “Spit out whatever you’re trying to say.”

I wiped my eyes and did my best to contain my laughter. “Sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to laugh at you. I just… The boys would like their dad to come swimming with them. I’m not trying to date you, Collin.”

His nostrils flared and his eyes narrowed. “You’re not trying to lure me in? Are you sure?”

I giggled and shook my head. “No. Not even a little bit. You’re not my type.”

His scowl deepened. “What the fuck does that mean?”

It meant I was going to say whatever I had to say to prove to him that he was a jerk for assuming I’d want to date him after we slept together. He really thought he was all that. And maybe I agreed with him, sexually. He’d rocked my world. The ego of him to think that would turn me into a googly-eyed, lovestruck girl, though? He needed to be brought down a peg.

“Forget it. I don’t want to be mean. Just come swimming with us. The boys are going to be crushed if you don’t.” I walked to the other side of the office and put my hands on my hips. “Well?”

He was well and truly pissed. “I’m busy.”

“Your boys want you there.”

The sound of little feet padding through the hallway caught my attention and I looked out to see Kendall chasing Milo. He ran into the office when he spotted me and grabbed handfuls of my towel to try and pull himself up. I didn’t have a coverup, though, and the towel was only loosely tied around my chest so when he tugged, it went.

Standing in Collin’s very professional office in just a bikini that I’d definitely probably grown out of was humiliating. Instead of showing that, though, I bent over and picked up Milo and my towel. Turning back to Collin, I stared just over his shoulder instead of at his face, afraid of what I’d see there. “We’ll be at the lake.”

He stood up and braced his fists on his desk while glaring at me. “I’m coming.”

My hopeful nature couldn’t get a straight face. I broke out in a huge grin and bounced on the balls of my feet. “That’s great! The boys will be so happy!”

Kendall peeked her head into the office and waved. “Hey, Uncle Collin.”

He straightened and smiled at his niece. “You’re coming with us, too, Ken? I thought the lake water grossed you out?”

She rolled her eyes. “I never said that, Uncle Collin. Come on, Ada. Let’s go.”

I flashed one more pleased smile at Collin and then hurried outside, pleased to tell the twins that their dad was coming. Except before I could, Kendall stopped me and shook her head.

“Don’t say anything. If he changes his mind, they’ll freak out.” She said it under her voice so the boys wouldn’t hear. “He does that all the time.”

A wave of anger surged through me and I considered storming into Collin’s office and dragging him out by the ear. “That’s shitty.”

Milo, suddenly interested in learning more words, mimicked me. “Dat’s shitty.”

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