Page 17 of Grumpy Makes Three

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“Shouldn’t you?” I turned to David and smiled sweetly. “Would it be possible to secure a snack for Milo and myself? Something that would make us both a little sweeter?”

He sighed. “Only if you leave once you get it.”

“Your wish is my command.” I felt Joe’s eyes still on me and turned back to him. I had a wave of panic that maybe he knew what I’d done with his brother, but surely not. “Yes?”

He rolled his shoulders and shook his head. “How are you a professional? What are you even wearing?”

“I asked her the same thing yesterday.” David was ever so helpful to pipe in.

I looked down at my bare legs and hot pink Crocs. “What? You mean my Crocs? They’re great, aren’t they? I think I’m going to get Milo a pair. Jealous?”

He grunted and then turned to David, shutting me out. “Do you know where Sara is? My shirts were mixed up this morning.”

“Uh oh.” David’s response told me everything I needed to know for my next prank. If Joe liked his shirts organized a certain way, I’d help him out, no problem.



IwaiteduntilJoewas back in his office to hurry up to Kendall’s room. I knocked and waited for her to open the door impatiently. When she finally did, I was already practically wiggling where I stood. Her frown when she saw me was sobering, though.

“What is it?” I remembered accidentally blowing her off the day before and groaned. “I’m so sorry about yesterday, Kendall. Milo and I had a bad day, as you probably heard.”

She looked confused for a minute and then shook her head. “I don’t care about that. I’m just… Never mind. What do you need?”

I leaned in closer. “We’ll talk later about how suspicious you just were about what’s bothering you. As for right now, I just had a brilliant idea for our next act of warfare.”

Her eyes brightened and she straightened. “What is it?”

I held out my pinky. “Promise you’re on Team Make Joe and Collin Crazy?”

She rolled her eyes and linked her pinky with mine. “Anything to mess with Dad.”

We casually strolled down to the wing of the house where the brothers’ bedrooms were and Kendall, Milo, and I slipped inside Joe’s room. Kendall giggled as we rushed into his closet but she immediately straightened her face like she hadn’t.

I whistled at the sight of the walk-in closet. It was immaculately organized. Shirts, pants, jackets, running shorts, and even t-shirts all hung perfectly, separated by color. His shoes were all lined up on shelves perfectly, too. It was an act of anal retentiveness. “This is wild.”

“Yeah, he used to try to keep my closet like this.” She shrugged. “Now he avoids my room at all costs.”

I paused and turned to face her. “That sucks.”

She reached up and grabbed a pair of pants. “Whatever.”

We mixed everything together in silence and then stepped back to admire our work. Milo played at our feet with a tie that had fallen off its hook. Everything was mixed up and I had a fleeting feeling of guilt before I reminded myself that he’d gotten me fired and was an absolute jerk.

“Wow.” Kendall looked up at me. “You’re a bad influence.”

My eyes went wide. “Oh, god. I am. I’m a horrible nanny.”

She looked down at her shoes and shrugged. “You’re fine.”

It felt like a major compliment from a teenager. Satisfied that we’d ruined Joe’s day, the three of us got out of there. Instead of going straight back to her room, Kendall joined me and Milo in the library. She sat on her phone while I read a book to Milo and put him down for a nap.

I saw Collin walk by the library at some point but I kept my face in the book I was reading. I wasn’t ready to be a mature adult and face him. Kendall looked up at me every so often and frowned, not unlike her father, but then she’d look back at her phone and it was like it hadn’t happened.

Finally, I couldn’t take it. “What is it?”

She flinched at the sound of my voice. “Huh?”

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