Page 16 of Grumpy Makes Three

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Igrabbedbreakfasttogo the next morning and took Milo out for a walk. A long walk. I wasn’t exactly hiding from Collin but I wasn’tnothiding from him, either. I didn’t want him to know that I was internally panicking because my boss had just given me the best orgasm of my life. I wasn’t panicking at all about how he’d come inside me and held my gaze while he did it. Not at all. I especially wasn’t hiding because I was walking with a certain gait after taking the biggest dick I’d ever seen. Nope. I was fine and everything was fine.

I needed a long walk so I’d strapped Milo into his covered wagon and we’d taken off down the long driveway. Just outside of the gate, there was a trail that went around the lake and I took it, hoping I wouldn’t get lost in my desire to run from the consequences of my actions.

The trail was nicely maintained but it was bumpy in places. Trees surrounded us but Milo seemed to love it. After his bad day the day before, I was over the moon to hear his giggles. We reached the neighborhood that sat along the lake’s northern edge and was separated from the Carrington Estate by a massive rock formation and a small forest. Not that the neighborhood was just another random neighborhood around Lake Dun. It was the second wealthiest place to live in the area, second only to the Carrington Estate.

I pointed out the houses to Milo as we came to a stop at a fallen piece of driftwood along the beach. Each home had its own private section of the beach but I figured I’d be okay trespassing a little bit since it was early morning on a weekday.

“I think that one’s my favorite. What about you, Milo?” I pulled the cover back on his wagon so he could see easier and watched him study the houses like I’d just been doing.

“Mi-wo likes bwu house.”

I slapped my hands and grinned at him. “You like thebluehouse? That’s awesome, Milo!”

“Excuse me?” A sharp female voice called out from down the beach. When I looked up I spotted a woman coming towards me in white linen capris and an equally flowing top. She held a massive hat to her head and stumbled along the sandy beach as she frowned at us. “What are you doing?”

I grimaced and stood up, immediately preparing to get away from an angry rich lady. “I’m so sorry. I’m the nanny for the Carrington’s and we were just out for a walk.”

The woman’s face shifted by the time she reached me. It broke into a wide smile and I saw she was only a few years older than me. “Oh, my gosh! I’m sorry I came marching over like a crazy person. I’m the nanny for the family in the blue house right there. The kids are just up the hill playing and I went into protective nanny mode.”

I laughed lightly and shrugged. “I understand. No harm done. I’m Ada.”

“I’m Jules.” She shook my hand and pulled off her hat, revealing perfectly straight blonde hair. “I’m really so embarrassed. I don’t know what I was doing. Channeling the mother of the house, maybe. If you know what I mean.”

“If I saw a weird lady watching the house I nanny for, I’d be a little freaked out, too.” I glanced down at Milo and saw that he was frowning up at Jules. Fearing another meltdown, I gently moved the wagon back and forth. “It was really nice to meet you, Jules, but I’d better get moving. We had a tragically terrible day yesterday and I don’t want a redo.”

She pouted and reached out to lightly touch my arm. “It gets lonely up here when you’re the help. Would you like to meet up sometime and get a bite to eat? I’m sure I sound desperate, but that’s because I am.”

I noticed her pulling out her phone and nodded. “That sounds nice. I don’t know when I’ll be able to get away but maybe I’ll just bring this guy along with me.”

She jotted down my number and started backing away. “It really was so great to meet you, Ada. I’ll message you!”

I tugged the wagon over the sandy beach and waved once more to Jules as I headed back towards the Carrington Estate. Milo settled down as soon as we were moving and he listened as I absently rambled on to keep him entertained.

“I think we made a friend, buddy. That was nice. It’s harder to make friends after college.Ifyou go to college, I mean. I’m glad we came for a walk this morning.” I looked up at the bright blue sky and felt my spirits lift. “We’re going to have a good day, Milo. We’re going to get Kendall out of her room and we’re going to have fun. How’s that sound? Great? I think so, too.”

He talked back in his broken way and we were in a full-blown conversation by the time we reached the house. He was even talking at me with his hands and giggling like crazy when I did it back to him.

“You’re in a much better mood today, kid, and I couldn’t be happier about that. How about a snack? Your dry cereal wasn’t enough for me.” I left the wagon in the massive six car garage and headed towards the kitchen with Milo at my heels. “I’m craving something sweet. When am I not, though, right? My dad always said that’s why I’m as sweet as I am, because I’m so full of candy.”

Milo held onto my shorts. “Mi-wo no sweet.”

I gasped and bent down to scoop him up. “What? Milo not sweet? That’s not true! Milo is a very, very sweet boy. Maybe he just needs a little more candy? Did you ever think about that?”

He latched himself to me with his arms around my neck and we were both happily singing at each other as we entered the kitchen.

David held up a spoon at me as soon as he saw me. “I can’t concentrate on my menu with that noise of yours.”

I scoffed. “You say noise like I’m not making a beautiful sound.”

Joe stalked into the kitchen, his hard gaze locked on mine. “I wouldn’t call it a beautiful sound. I’m pretty sure countries could use it as a torture device.”

I put Milo on the counter, much to David’s dismay, and put my hands on my hips. “Excuse me? Was that a joke? From you?”

He scowled even darker at me. “Shouldn’t you be doing something?”

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