Page 89 of Four Hours

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“He followed me out, but I turned my back on him for the first time that night,” I said. “Didn’t speak to him for five years—until we got stuck in that elevator. They were the best four hours of my entire fucking life.”

Well, four of the best. Having Preston in my bed trumped all else, but Dad didn’t need to hear about everything.

Dad chuckled. “If anyone paid attention, they would have noticed the beard burn around his mouth. It was a little obvious what you boys had been up to.”

Aerosmith’s line about living it up ran through my head. I’d gone down all right. Wanted to again.

“Yeah, I was afraid of that,” I said, pushing aside thoughts of sex. “At least Jacqueline didn’t seem to notice.”

“Or, perhaps she did and chose to ignore it in the face of the fear she experienced that night.”

Could have been she was blinded by the onslaught of emotions I’d seen smeared over her face with makeup. Who the fuck knew. At least she hadn’t said anything if she had suspicions.

“Has she mentioned it to you?”

“No, but she’s been extremely contemplative since the incident. Was there a reason you haven’t told me before now?” Dad asked. “You’ve never kept a secret from me like this. Normally, we’re very open and honest with each other.”

“I didn’t want to cause problems.” Same as my reason for not telling him about all those trips Preston and I had taken to Queens to visit Nancy.

“There’s nothing on this earth you could do to make me love you any less.”

“I know, and I trust you with everything,” I assured him. “But I wouldn’t put you in a situation where you might have to lie to your wife. And, I would never make you feel you had to choose between me and her either. I had to do that between you and mom when I was a kid, and I wouldn’t wish a heart being pulled in opposite direction on anyone.”

“Shit.” I could imagine Dad rubbed a hand over his jawline. “I’m so sorry, Drake.”

“Don’t be. Neither of you were happy—I get that—but both of you are now, and that’s what matters.”

“How does Preston feel about you?” Dad asked.

I studied the callouses on my hands. “It’s not my place to say.”

“Fair enough. I guess all I can suggest is to be patient,” Dad said, kindly without a hint of resignation, thank fuck. “Jacqueline being retired is something…new. It’s refreshing her in beautiful ways, and she’s even more lovely to me.”

I never thought she was lovely to begin with, but whatever. As long as Dad was content.

“Think she’ll ever accept the fact Preston might be gay? Even better, what if he and I were madly in love like the two of you are?” I tossed out hypotheticals, expecting Dad was well aware both were true.

“I wouldn’t suggest opening that can of worms just yet,” Dad stated quietly, “but she’s making large strides toward healing.”

The fuck did she have to heal from?

Choosing to accept Nancy’s truth ought to be enough for Jacqueline to move on. The woman had married an even better man in my dad, someone above her in every way that mattered except for money. But riches didn’t mean shit when it came to being a good human being.

“She’s writing in her journal a lot,” Dad continued when I didn’t say shit. “Reflecting over her life’s choices, and I’ve seen amazing growth beyond what I ever expected. In the few short weeks since we were in New York, she’s made changes for the best.”

“I don’t care how many new leaves she might turn over. She gets wind of Preston possibly being anything but straight, and she’ll flip on his ass. Can’t stomach the thought. Don’t need him hurt even more because of her shitty attitude.”

“Trust me, the last thing I want to do is cause issues between the two of them when they’re finally finding some common ground. I’m well aware of how stirring up a hornet’s nest for that boy would affect you.”

I exhaled heavily and leaned forward, elbows on my knees. “You still love her like you did when you first got together?”

Dad chuckled, his happiness leaking through the line and making me envious as hell. “More, if you can believe it.”

It’d been what? Over thirteen years? Not quite forever, but the fact they’d stayed together regardless of her issues and their being opposites assured me love could last regardless of what I’d seen growing up.

“I expect your mom’s and my divorce tainted your view of relationships,” Dad said as though hearing my thoughts, “but trust me in this—love is worth the risk, son. Jacqueline has her issues, but there’s no other place I wish to be than beside her. Holding her hand. Breathing the same air. Sharing the same space.”

My throat tightened. I wanted that with Preston so fucking bad.

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