Page 60 of Four Hours

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What I wouldn’t have given for another four hours trapped with the man I loved.

People joined us on the eighth floor, and I had to let go of his hand. Our shoulders still brushed though, and I soaked in every second of his touch, since it would end once we reached the ground floor, perhaps never to happen again.

We hadn’t discussed the future—tonight, tomorrow, or next week. Regardless of how I wanted to savor every minute allotted to us, it couldn’t continue. We would never be accepted as a couple, and I wouldn’t survive the emotional upheaval from being found out.

“Ready?” Drake asked as we stepped off the elevator and headed toward the restaurant.


He gave my lower back a quick stroke, flooding me with warmth and a little bit of peace.

It would have to be enough.

Jacqueline and Devlin already waited for us, which was no great surprise. If you weren’t five minutes early, you were late in Jacqueline’s book.

She appeared like her normal self. Put together, a full face of makeup, hair without a single strand out of place, dressed to perfection, and jewels showcasing her wealth.

But that new motherly shit the night before had stuck.

“Preston.” Jacqueline stood from her chair, rounded the table, and threw her arms around me. “How did you sleep?” She stepped back, keeping hold of my upper arms to study my face.

Thank fuck Drake thought to avoid beard burn.

I shifted and glanced at my lover before flitting my gaze to the floor as heat rushed to my cheeks. “Um…okay, I guess.”

“You still look tired, but after our brunch, you can go back to your room and rest. You’re booked through Monday, so please take advantage of being pampered by the staff. Come.” She grasped my hand and tugged me toward the table. “You need something to eat. I already ordered your breakfast, but coffee awaits.”

I warmth flooded my chest over her attentiveness, and heart hopeful, I slid onto my chair, fumbling with my linen napkin.

Drake sat in my periphery after having shared a few quiet words with his dad while Jacqueline had fawned over me.

My hand shook as I raised my steaming cup of coffee to my lips. It had been sitting long enough I didn’t scald my tongue on the bitter brew.

“So.” Jacqueline smiled at Devlin, who glanced between me and his son with an unreadable expression. “I’m sure you’re both wondering why we requested your presence.”

Neither Drake nor I spoke.

Jacqueline turned her focus on me. “I’ve sold Casswell Global.”

I blinked, her words taking a few seconds to process. Surely, I’d heard her wrong. “You…what?”

“I’ve sold the family business.”

“W-Why?” Not that it mattered or I cared, but I wasn’t sure what else to say at the bomb she’d dropped. Her father’s business had been her world, the reason for her existence long before kicking Nancy out of our home, and she was far from retirement age.

“Because you want nothing to do with the empire your grandfather built, and it’s time I’ve focused on my own happiness.”

As if she hadn’t been doing so since Nancy had left us. Jacqueline never spared expense in what brought her joy, so what the hell was she talking about?

“What are you going to do?” I asked, still baffled and staring at her sparkling eyes. Was she drunk? High? Had I entered some other dimension? I looked quickly at her husband, who glanced between me and Drake.

“Travel,” Jacqueline replied with a giddiness that suggested she hadn’t already visited every continent already—which she had. Countless times. “Devlin and I are embarking on a three-month world tour this afternoon, thus the rushed weekend.”

I sat back in my chair, still staring.

She glanced over at Devlin, and he tore his focus from us, took her hand in his, his eyes growing soft, same as always when gazing at his wife. I wished I could be happier for her, but what she’d done to Nancy didn’t allow the sentiment.

“You’re probably wondering what this means for you,” she said, once more turning her attention on me, pink staining her cheeks.

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