Page 6 of Four Hours

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“Darling,” Dad cooed, distracting her before she spoke more hatred, “it’s been three days of agony not being by your side. I’ve missed you terribly.”

Wanting to gag, I followed after Preston, who headed toward open stairs along the far wall as Dad continued with his lovey dovey bullshit about sharing a bottle of wine on the balcony. At least he’d allowed Preston and I to escape without a fight.

I grabbed my bag off the first stair, and my chest lightened a little in knowing he did still have my back.

I caught up to Preston at the top of the stairs.

“B-Bathroom is straight ahead. This room is yours,” he whispered, his voice cracking, but I expected it was from the tears wanting to roll down his cheeks rather than late puberty.

Once more, I had to fist my free hand, but the second Preston entered my room on the right, I dropped my duffel, grabbed his arm, and pulled him against my chest.

His entire body stiffened, and I shushed him before he could argue, squeezing him tight. Whether he liked physical touch or not, the kid desperately needed some damned comfort.

“You can cry if you want to,” I murmured, my tone light and unthreatening. “I won’t judge. Promise.”

Preston released a heavy exhale, sagged against my chest, and broke into silent tears. I expected with a mom like Jacqueline, he’d learned how to keep his hurt on the quiet side. He clutched at my T-shirt, his leaking eyes soaking the thin, ratty cotton within seconds.

I kicked my bedroom door shut behind us, glancing around the vast area with its queen-sized bed—and the windows beyond.


Those blinds would be closed twenty-four seven from here on out.

I gave my attention to the thin kid clinging to me.

“If you wanna see Nancy at any time, you just tell me, okay?” I said. “I’ve got my license and will drive you in my dad’s SUV wherever the hell you want to go. Your mom doesn’t even have to know about it.”

He cried harder, and my throat thickened at the sobs spewing from my new stepbrother. How long had he been holding that agony in? Even though my parent’s divorce had hit me hard, I couldn’t imagine the bullshit Preston had faced with his dad transitioning into a woman when his mom was downright vile about the whole thing.

At least, I was pretty sure I had figured the situation out.

“Your dad.” I paused once he quieted a bit, not real sure how or what to call them. “Nancy…she’s trans?”

Preston hesitated, once more tensing, but jerked his head in a nod.

“Sweet. I can’t wait to meet her,” I stated firmly while holding his shivering body just a bit tighter. While a fraction of my size and easily half my weight, Preston fit in my arms perfectly.

I didn’t give a shit Preston’s bitter mom was Dad’s new wife or the reason his heart beat again.

I would be in my stepbrother’s corner no matter what. He was now mine to look after. Mine to protect—even from his mother if it came to it.

Chapter 2


In typical Jacqueline fashion, Mom had ruined what I’d hoped was finally the beginning of something good in my life for a change.

But I’d made the mistake of opening my mouth to ask about Dad, since I’d been all but freaking out about the first day of high school in the not-far-enough-away future.

I knew better.

Mom’s harsh words about Nancy had hurt worse than dull blades ripping through skin. I’d bled countless times from her spewed hatred but had learned to hold in my grief until I was behind closed doors where no one would see my emotions but me.

Drake had offered me escape, and I’d been desperate to get away regardless of how Mom would berate me later like she always did. I planned to show Drake to his room, then hide in mine where I could cry silent tears into my pillow until she showed up to remind me of who I was. How certain expectations came along with the Casswell name.

But the almost-man crushed me to his chest the second we were alone, keeping me from wallowing.

I gave into my need to be held. His strong arms wrapped around my back, his exhales hot on the top of my head as I sobbed like a baby over my inability to please my mom and gain her affections.

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