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“I-I…oh shit.” Preston writhed, humping the bed as I flooded his ass with my cum. “Fuck!” He convulsed, his ass milking me with sucking pulls.

“Jesus,” I hissed through my teeth, managing a few short strokes to draw out his second climax.

We stilled at the same time, both of us gasping for air.

No one had ever satisfied me like Preston. Hookups back in college or afterward and not even needy, insatiable clients had wrung me dry. Depleted. Completely and utterly fulfilled.

Rather than pulling out, I stretched over the man I loved, twisting his head so I could eat at his mouth.

Fucking love you. Always and forever.

Chapter 18


I woke to a hot mouth sucking down my flaccid cock. The softness didn’t last but a few breaths and I was thrusting into Drake’s throat. I’d only had one other man’s lips on my dick, and regardless of his experience and years on my stepbrother, his skills paled in comparison.

Drake had been born to suck dick. Songs could be written about his talent. Sonnets praising his tongue. Prayers slid from my lips as he took me deep into his throat, swallowing around my girth.

Fighting to keep from erupting too quickly, I thrashed against his tight grip on my thighs holding me to the bed. “Need you in me,” I begged, desperate for more of his cum up my ass.

Drake slid up my length, twirling his tongue over my swollen head. “Not this time, baby. Want to swallow your seed so a part of you is in me all day.”

“Oh God.” I gulped and grabbed hold of his head.

“Mmm.” He slid back down my length, and two thrusts later, I fulfilled his desire. “Jesus, Preston.” Drake suckled and licked, stabbing his tongue into my slit in search of more. “You taste so good.”

He kissed my tip then both hip bones. Sleepy blue eyes met mine across my still-shivering body. His slow grin made butterflies erupt in my stomach.

Love you.

The words lay unspoken between us, but I didn’t doubt both of our feelings. Putting them into the air created a reality I couldn’t live with though. Hell, I already struggled to keep depression at bay over not being allowed what I wanted most in life.

But I’d seen Nancy’s pain. Had experienced Jacqueline’s wrath even though her anger and hurt hadn’t been directed at me.

Never—fucking ever—did I want to be in Nancy’s shoes or experience what she had. Sure, she’d found love again, but the agony…she’d endured unbelievable emotional pain.

I wasn’t strong enough. Couldn’t imagine having to hunker down in my condo in Boston with Jacqueline beating down my door, her shrieks renting the air and announcing to the world what a disappointment and abomination I was. Hell, her calling me a spoiled brat throughout my childhood had hurt enough for two lifetimes.

And even though she’d seemed somewhat changed after the whole elevator affair, I knew better than to expect she would simply set aside her homophobia because her son was gay.


I blinked, realizing I’d disappeared on Drake for a few minutes.

He crawled up my body, planking on his elbows, his rigid length pressing against my spent dick. “You okay?”

“Mmm,” I hummed an agreement, even though I wasn’t really.

“What’s going on in that pretty head of yours?”

Pretty—why did I love him calling me that? Jacqueline would have a fit over the adjective. I’d never been manly enough for her even though I wasn’t exactly effeminate. But yeah. I was a lot more like Nancy with her tenderness than Jacqueline’s hard aloofness.

“Scared,” I admitted to one of the many emotions grappling for front and center in my brain, knowing Drake would never judge me. Sadness over our non-future reigned supreme, but that wasn’t something I wished to dampen our stolen moments together.

He wrapped his arms around me, placing a gentle, chaste kiss on my lips. “I’ve got you.”

I clutched at his back, wrapping my heels around his ass.

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