Page 2 of Four Hours

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Dad grabbed me in a big hug, squeezing the hell out of me. “Love you, Drake. More than anyone or anything, no matter what. Don’t you ever forget that.”

The elevator slowed, the ding announcing we’d arrived.

Tears stung my eyes at Dad’s declaration, and I gave him a few bro pats before we both stepped away.

Regardless of Dad’s assurance, fucking Cupid’s arrows could suck a dino dick and choke on it for all I cared. Didn’t the angelic shithead with wings realize I’d had it good back home?

I mean, I wanted to be happy for Dad finding love after Mom broke his heart, but come on. New fucking York?

Grumbling internally about the second disaster of my life, I followed Dad into a hallway spanning to the left and right. A single door lay at either end.

He strode toward the left, his footsteps quick and light while I lagged behind.

The door yanked open before he got there.

A petite redhead threw herself into Dad’s arms with a squeal. While stumbling together into the penthouse, they kissed as if they’d been separated for a year rather than the three days it had taken Dad and I to pack up our shit and leave Boston behind.

My steps slowed as I approached the open door.

Redheads had always been my kryptonite from the minute I figured out what a dick could be used for. Guess Dad and I had that in common too.

But the same as my best friend Sean, my cock didn’t get hard for females. While my buddy from back home was out and proud, I’d yet to share my sexual orientation with my dad.

Later, I told myself as I’d been doing for the past two years since he already had enough on his plate.

Foreheads together, Dad and the supposed love of his life whispered a few words I didn’t catch as I stepped over the threshold, shut the door behind me, and glanced around.

My jaw dropped again.

Fucking floor-to-ceiling windows lay straight ahead past a living room decked out in off-white furniture. A massive grand piano sat on the left, a silent Manhattan spreading beyond in a dizzying display of buildings reaching for the sky. The walls, windows, and insulation of the skyrise blocked all the noise of the city we’d left outside, while light jazz-like music filtered through the condo in surround sound.

Smooching noises drew my focus back to the couple clinging to each other beside me. Their size difference was laughable, but rather than snickering, I cleared my throat because one, I had to piss, and two, their PDA kinda made me nauseous…and a little jealous if I was being honest.

I was a sucker for affection, even though I didn’t have a boyfriend I could cling to like a koala.

“You must be Drake.” Jacqueline finally ripped her attention off Dad, coming into my personal space without hesitation to wrap her arms around my waist.

Expensive perfume and the scent of crisp one hundred dollar bills clung to her, or at least what I figured freshly printed money smelled like. I’d never held any in my rough palms that were scarred from all the sports I played.

Awkward as fuck, I glanced at Dad.

Talk about heart eyes. He stared at the small woman hugging me, and in that second, I recognized the fact Dad planned to spend every day he had on earth beside her, same as Mom with Bob.

They’d both found what they thought would be forever, but my parents had been in love once upon a time too, and look how that had ended up. While I didn’t hold onto hope either of them had found something that might last, I’d already set the one boundary in cement for myself. I wasn’t up for adoption to either Bob or this Jacqueline woman, who Dad swore walked on water.

I could admit her money would make shit a hell of a lot easier for as long as the two of them lasted though. Wouldn’t complain about that, but I already had two parents. I didn’t need a third or fourth.

Dad’s wife stepped away from me, clasping her hands together beneath her chin, her eyes like glittering green jewels as she peered up at me. “You’re a picture image of your father, Drake. So tall and manly.”

“Thanks,” I muttered, wondering over her emphasized last word.

Dad got plenty of attention when it came to the ladies. He only had a touch of gray in the dark hair at his temples, and he’d yet to have a wrinkle show up and announce he approached forty. Good genes meant I would hopefully look the same when I was older. But, I could do without the women.

“Uh, bathroom?” I tacked on, my bladder grumbling as much as my mind.

“Of course.” She gestured for us to follow her into the…house?

I had no fucking clue what to call it. Whatever title her place officially had, it would be home for the next three years at the very least.

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