Page 109 of Four Hours

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“You might need to shave this off so you don’t scratch our boy’s sensitive skin.”

“Normally, I’d agree to whatever you say, husband of mine,” I stated, ready to stand my ground for a change with the man I couldn’t say no to, “but this?” I rubbed a hand along my jaw and trimmed whiskers I’d had since college. “It’s staying.”

“Mmm hmm.” Preston’s little noise reached me through our boy’s shrieks, as did his we’ll see he didn’t bother voicing.

Ten days later, I sat on the rocking chair in the dark, humming an Aerosmith song to my son who’d finished his bottle and had finally fallen back to sleep. It was after two in the morning, and I’d fed, burped, and changed a disgusting diaper that had me gagging while Preston finally got some rest.

But regardless of my exhaustion, I was in heaven.

The slight weight in my arms was as far from a burden as could be. Sure, our lives had been flipped on its head, the upheaval far beyond what I’d expected. But it was perfect—little Devlin was everything to me, right alongside his father.

“You have the best daddy,” I whispered to him, lifting him up to sniff the baby smell I couldn’t get enough of. Powder and pure deliciousness. Sniffing, I rubbed my smooth-shaven cheek along his, grinning like a damned fool. “He’s so unselfish and dotes on you so much I’m starting to feel a little jealous.”

True words, but I would never regret our decision to find a surrogate and start the family we’d both wanted.

“Someday, you’ll have another brother or sister,” I promised. “But there will be plenty of love to go around. We’re going to go fishing, and I’ll tell you all about your grandpop and how we used to spend weekends camping up in New Hampshire. We’ll take you to Granny and Granddad’s farm in Vermont in the spring and learn how to make maple syrup. We’ll have to head down to Rhode Island on occasion too to see Mimi and Grandpa Bob, but we won’t stay long because your two aunties will probably drive you nuts like they do to me.”

I kissed my son on his fuzzy head, loving the soft tickle of his red hair.

A sigh sounded from the doorway, and I turned to see my love leaning against the frame, his eyes sleepy, hair tousled, but a beautiful smile on his lips. “I never expected to find this much happiness, Drake.”

I motioned him over then handed son to him when he stood before me. As always, Preston cocooned Devlin in his arms, smooching all over his face. I guided him onto my lap, leaned my head back, and rested my eyes.

“Maybe we should let him sleep in our bed?—”

“Nope,” I cut Preston off, having had this conversation a dozen times since we’d gotten home from the hospital. “Our bed is sacred, baby. That’s the one space I’m unwilling to share with anyone but you. It’s the only place I get to have you all to myself.”

Preston snickered, and I realized he’d teased me rather than pushing the topic again. “I love your possessiveness.”

I grumbled and hugged him tighter. “I don’t mind our kids having your affection, but sometimes I just need you. Alone.”

Preston pressed his lips to mine, and I could feel his smile. “I’m going to put Devlin back in his crib.” He climbed off my lap, and I immediately missed him. “How about you go strip, climb into bed, and get your dick hard so I can ride you.”

My eyelids shot up to find Preston’s bubble butt turned my way as he lay our son on his back. Tingles woke in my groin regardless of the late hour and the lack of sleep we’d been getting. “You aren’t too tired?”

“It’s been almost two weeks, Drake. I want you inside me.”

“Fuck yeah,” I whispered, hopping up with a lot more energy than I thought I had.

Quick as fuck, I lay sprawled on our bed, hard cock in hand stroking upward to bead pre-cum at the tip.

Preston had left the dimmers on overhead, so I could enjoy every move he made in shucking his sleep shorts and T-shirt, revealing all his gorgeous, freckled skin I longed to mark up.

“So damn beautiful,” I whispered, and he crawled over me, those emerald eyes on mine, unwavering and lustful. Tucking my hands behind my head to show off my muscles in the way that always had him drooling, I smirked. “Gonna sit on my dick and make me fill you up with a few days’ worth of cum?”

He licked up the back of my length, humming over the taste of my pre-cum on his tongue. “If you wouldn’t mind eating my ass and getting me ready?”

Groaning, I grabbed hold of his hips and swung him around like he weighed next to nothing. “Suck on my dick while I love on your hole, baby.”

“Jesus, Drake.”

I filled my palms with his ass cheeks and spread him wide. “Goddamn,” I murmured and dove in, burying my face in his crack.

“D-Drake,” he stuttered, closing his hand around the base of my dick. “Fuck, your cheeks…so smooth. Oh my God—so good.”

I shoved my tongue past his ring, reaching as deep as I could go.

His head sagged, his hot breath ghosting over my throbbing cockhead.

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