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I enter the house and wait a few moments for my eyes to adjust to the darkness inside. I study the place as I walk toward the living area where Mercury is sitting on a rocking chair.

“Let me guess,” he begins and I startle. His booming voice is going to take some time to get used to. “Your mother never told you I existed.”

I sit on the edge of the sofa. “I didn’t know I had any family. She always said there was no one else.”

He grunts. “Your mom isn’t solely to blame. The rift began with your grandmother.”

I lean closer. I don’t know anything about my grandmother. Mom refuses to speak about her family.

“Lyra was Adhara’s sister.”

I wait but he doesn’t explain further. “Who’s Lyra and who’s Adhara? And why do they have such weird names?”

He scowls at me. “Ain’t nothing wrong with the name Adhara.”

“Sorry,” I mumble. I tend to blurt out whatever comes to my mind without thinking. Mom always said this tendency is going to get me into trouble one day. I hope today is not that day.

“Adhara was my wife.”

I’m catching on now. “And Lyra was my grandmother?”

He nods. “Lyra didn’t approve of Adhara’s lifestyle.”

“Lifestyle? What did she do? Run away and join a hippie commune?”

Mercury glares at me. “You have a problem with hippies, girl?”

I bite my lip as I contemplate my answer. The names of the businesses in town flash in my mind. I’m starting to connect the dots.

“Is Winter Falls a hippie commune? I didn’t think those existed anymore.”

“Started out as one. Now all anyone cares about is pagan festivals.”

Pagan festivals? Where in the hell did I end up?

Mercury clears his throat. “Lyra cut Adhara out of her life.”

“Which is why I never heard of you before,” I finish. “Although, I never met my grandmother either.”

He purses his lips. “You never met your grandmother?”

“Mom got pregnant with me when she was young and her mom kicked her out. Mom never talks about my grandmother. She didn’t tell me about your existence until last week.”

“And now you’re here to put me in a goddamn old fogy’s home.”

He’s on to me. The jig is up.

Chapter 2

Gibson – a rockstar who’s about to learn a smile and a wink can’t get him everything he wants


“Here you are.” The waitress, Cheyenne according to her name tag, sets the burger in front of me. “If you won’t be needing anything else?”

She has a certain gleam in her eye. It says I can drag her into the nearest closet and she’ll let me have my wicked way with her. The joys of being a rockstar never get old.

“I’ll be needing your number.” I waggle my eyebrows at her. She tears off a piece of paper from her order pad and hands it to me. I smirk. She had her number ready for me.

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