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“You can park at the Inn on Main. I assume you’re staying there.”

Stay at some snooty sounding inn? I wish. I’ve been sleeping in my car for the past two days.

“Um, no. I’m here to visit my uncle Mercury.”

His eyebrows practically fly off his head. “Old Man Mercury is your uncle?”

I get his skepticism. I can hardly believe it myself. Mom always claimed we didn’t have any family while I was growing up. But suddenly last week she up and tells me I need to go to Winter Falls and put my uncle in a nursing home and sell his house.

I’m not sure about putting an uncle I’ve never met before in a nursing home, but I’m out of options of where to live. I’m certainly not living with Mom. Never again.

Peace scratches his beard. “I’ll escort you to his house, but once you’re there, you can’t be driving this vehicle around Winter Falls.”

I throw up my hands. Fine by me. I don’t want to be driving this heap of crap anyway.

I wait until he’s back in his police vehicle where he can’t hear my car to switch it on. Come on, Betsie. Come on. You can do it. A few more miles. You got this.

When I bought Betsie, I did the best I could to make her roadworthy. But there’s not a lot I could do with an engine that hasn’t been maintained in twenty years and no cash. I’m planning to sell her off for parts once I make it to my uncle’s house.

My uncle. Those words feel foreign to me. A frisson of excitement courses through me. I have family. I wonder what he’s like.

I wait until the police car pulls in front of me and follow it. We reach the downtown of Winter Falls, and I scan the area.

Main Street is lined with Mom and Pop stores. No big box stores here. The names of the businesses – Bake Me Happy, Eden’s Garden, Bertie’s Studio, Naked Falls Brewing – pique my curiosity. What kind of place is Winter Falls?

We turn off Main Street at the square where there’s an adorable little park and gazebo. We continue for a few blocks until there are no longer any houses. My excitement dims. Where is hottie police officer taking me?

Please, please, please, do not let this be the start of a horror movie. My life has been enough of a horror lately. Although, considering my propensity for making bad choices, it would be just my luck to end up in a town where they kill off anyone who dares to drive a combustion engine.

The police car turns into a driveway, and I breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe I’m not being murdered today after all. But then I notice the house.

To say it’s seen better days is an understatement. It reminds me of the ghost house on my street when I was growing up. The grass is overgrown, the paint is chipped and peeling, and the windows are all covered in sheets instead of curtains.

I stop behind the police car and Betsie sputters before smoke plumes from the engine and she dies. I don’t think I’m going to be able to resuscitate her. At least I made it to my destination. Such as it is.

I climb out of the car as an elderly man steps onto the porch. He leans heavily on his cane as he hobbles forward.

“What are you doing here, Peace? Don’t tell me those dang busybodies sent you out here to check on me? I’m fine.”

“I brought you a present.” Peace points to me. “Your niece.”

I wave at him. “Hi! You must be Mercury.”

“Mercy.” He nods. “Took you long enough to get here.”

Wait. Was he expecting me? Before I can ask him, he whirls around and marches back inside the house. Um… What do I do now?

“Do you need help with your luggage?” Peace asks.

I wave him away. I don’t need anyone to witness this awkward meeting. “I got it.”

I wait until he’s gone before approaching the house. My stuff in the car can wait until I figure out what’s happening here. Did Mom phone and tell him I was coming? I snort. Mom actually be considerate? I’m not holding my breath.

I knock on the screen door. “Uncle Mercury?”

“What are you waiting for? A personal invitation?”

Well, yeah, I was. But not anymore.

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