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“Don’t you need to care for your uncle Mercury in the evenings?”

She shrugs. “He goes to bed super early.”

“Your uncle?” Indigo asks. “Old Man Mercury is your uncle?”

“Old Man?” Mercy snorts. “It fits. I call him Mr. Crotchety.”

Indigo gasps. “To his face?”

“What’s he going to do? Hit me with his cane? He can’t move very fast.”

“You know his house is haunted?” Indigo grabs Mercy and tries to pull her away. I stop her. Mercy didn’t agree to be friends with my bandmates’ girlfriends when she agreed to fake date me.

I grasp Mercy’s hand and lead her to the side of the house away from my nosy bandmates. “Are you okay?”

Her brow wrinkles. “Why wouldn’t I be?”

“Indigo is pretty pushy.”

“Trust me. I know what pushy is and she ain’t it.”

“You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”

“I can stay a while. I could use a break from my uncle.”

I study her face for any signs of deception but she appears sincere. “Okay then.” I kiss her forehead. “Off you go.”

She waves as she rushes off. When I’m alone, I realize I kissed her without thinking. It was the most natural thing in the world.

Is Mercy a witch? Is she weaving a spell around me?

I need to be careful before she tricks me into falling in love with her. I can’t fall in love. I’ve seen what ‘love’ does to people. No thanks. I’m opting out.

Maybe my brilliant idea to fake date her isn’t as brilliant as I thought.

Chapter 7

Allergic reaction – not the same as poisoning someone. Mercy hopes.


I pace the porch as I wait for Gibson to show. This is a disaster. I shouldn’t have agreed to fake date a rockstar. My uncle is going to see through us in two seconds flat.


Speaking of the old codger.

“Yes, Uncle. What do you need?”

“I’m hungry. When is your beau getting her?”

My beau? I blow out a puff of air and stick my head in the window to talk to him. Mercury might not mind yelling but I do.

“I don’t get you and your obsession with me having a boyfriend. I thought hippies were all about free love.”

“Nothing wrong with free love but having a partner who loves and supports you can’t be beat.”

“You must have loved my aunt Adhara very much.”

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