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Leia points to us wrestling on the ground. “What are they doing now?”

“Fighting over some bet Jett claims he won,” Mercy answers. “Don’t ask me what the bet’s about.” She sounds as if she doesn’t care. My fake girlfriend should care I’m fighting.

“Did you come here with Gibson?” Leia asks and I strain to hear Mercy’s answer.

“Yeah. We’re dating.”

Relief courses through me. She’s sticking to our story. While I’m off guard, Jett uses the opportunity to throw a left hook at me. I manage to block him before he can pummel my face. I lose track of the conversation as I grapple with Jett.

The next thing I hear is Leia saying, “Gibson and Jett have an ongoing bet on who can sleep with the most women.”

Shit. I am in deep trouble here. I shove Jett away and jump to my feet. “Not anymore. I’m a one-woman man now.”

Jett snorts behind me. “I’ll believe it when I see it.”

I stand next to Mercy and throw my arm around her shoulders. Her body is stiff so I massage her shoulder until she relaxes. There’s my girl.

“It’s true. Mercy is the only woman for me.”

“Cash, Dylan, Fender!” Jett hollers for our other bandmates, and they hurry to us.

“What’s going on? What’s wrong?” Dylan asks as he stands in front of Virginia as if to protect her. The man goes to extreme lengths when it comes to protecting his woman.

Jett glares at us. “Gibson is dating a woman.”

“Mercy, these are my bandmates Cash, Dylan, and Fender,” I introduce her and she waves in greeting at them. “Guys, this is Mercy. We’re dating.”

“Dating?” Dylan’s mouth gapes open. “Do you know what dating means?”

I flip him off. “Asshole.”

“Does she know who you are?” Cash asks.

Mercy rolls her eyes. “He’s a rockstar. He has tons of fans. Women throw their panties at him. Yadda. Yadda. Yadda. Rock isn’t my genre.” She waves toward her t-shirt.

Indigo giggles. “I hadn’t noticed your t-shirt. Anyone who wears that t-shirt to a party with a rock band is going to be my new best friend.”

“Leave the girl alone,” Virginia says. “She’s ready to run as it is.”

I glance down at Mercy. Is she ready to run? Her gaze darts around the backyard as if searching for an escape hatch. Yep. She’s getting ready to bolt. I tighten my hold on her.

“Indigo’s harmless,” I tell her.

“Unless she sics her cat on you.” Cash does an exaggerated shiver.

Indigo elbows him. “Katy Purry wouldn’t hurt a fly.”

“Because she prefers to kill birds and frogs and squirrels,” Cash claims.

“I have got to meet this cat,” Mercy mutters.

Indigo beams at Mercy. “We’ll have a girls’ night out at my place.”

“I don’t know about this,” I start.

Will Mercy be able to keep this cover of us dating when she’s being interrogated by Indigo, Virginia, and Leia? Virginia’s fine. She’s shy and won’t pressure Mercy. Indigo and Leia, on the other hand? Neither one of them will hesitate to barrage Mercy with questions.

Mercy pats my stomach. “It’ll be fine.”

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