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Damn him. He’s covered every angle. I rack my brain, but I can’t think of any other way to get my uncle to agree to move into a nursing home.

I hold out my hand. “Deal.”

“Deal.” We shake, and I ignore the tingles erupting on my skin from contact with his. This is fake. It isn’t real. It’ll never be real. I don’t date bad boys anymore.

“Now finish your goodies and I’ll tell you all about the band.”

I make a face. “I don’t listen to rock music.”

“If you were my real girlfriend, you’d know about the band.”

He has a point. “Go ahead, fake man of mine. Tell me all about your life. I’m dying to hear it all.”

Unfortunately, I’m not lying. At least, not completely. I am curious about this man sitting in front of me. I do love me a bad boy.

No. No more bad boys.

No more men.

I’m on a break from them.

Now to get my hormones on board.

Chapter 6

Couple – a word that causes nervous tremors in a certain rockstar


I scan Leia’s backyard where the party is in full swing. We’re celebrating her forgiving Fender for being an idiot and the two of them becoming a couple.

Couple. The last thing I want to be is in a couple. Except I’m supposed to be pretending to be in one. Where is my country girl anyway? I’m anxious to see her.

I pull out my phone and message her.

Come to the party.

When she doesn’t respond, I text again.


When she still doesn’t respond, I bring out the big guns.

You promised.

I’m getting annoyed – she did promise to attend social events with me as my girlfriend – when she messages me back.


Even her texts are full of sass. Usually, I don’t care what a woman has to say. There’s no need for talk in the bedroom. With Mercy, it’s different. She’s different.

I’m here.

At Mercy’s message she’s arrived, I hurry to intercept her. As I round the house, Mercy steps out of a classic Dodge Charger. The car is black and in pristine condition. I whistle.

“Are you whistling at me or the car?”

I wink. “Can’t it be for both?”

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