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“I don’t want…” I trail off when I realize he said pretend. I can pretend. I can pretend until the cows come home and are all milked.

Wait a minute. He’s a rockstar. Allegedly. Why would he want to fake date little old me? What’s he getting out of this?

“Why?” I ask.

“Why what?”

I huff. “Why do you want to fake date me?”

“I have my reasons. Does it matter? This will help you with your uncle. Don’t you want to help your uncle?”

What I want is a man to be honest with me for a change.

“Tell me what your angle is or I’m out the door.” I glance down at the goodies on the table. “As soon as Bryan boxes all these up.”

He purses his lips as he thinks about it. I grab the brownie and shove it in my face while he figures out a way to lie to me. You know he’s going to lie. No way some rockstar will tell me the truth.

I’m starting on the cheesecake when he finally speaks.

“I want my bandmates off my back.”

“Have they been pressuring you to get a girlfriend?”

“Not exactly.”

I wave my fork at him. “You think some more about whether you can be honest with me while I finish this up.”

He blows out a breath. “Fine. They think I drink too much.”

I freeze with the fork poised at my mouth. He’s a drinker? This isn’t going to work. I’ve had enough of dealing with people who prefer a bottle over me.

“I’m not an alcoholic,” he grumbles.

“And I’ve never heard those words before.”

“I’m serious.”

I set my fork down and wipe my mouth with the napkin as I contemplate this. I have an idea. It’ll probably piss him off, but better he loses his shit now before we begin this charade.

“If we do this.” He grins but I hold up a hand. “I said if.” He motions for me to proceed. “There will be ground rules.”

“What rules?”

“No drinking and no other women.”

“No drinking at all?”

I shrug. “If you can’t handle it, it’s fine. I won’t tell anyone about this conversation.” I make as if to stand. He places a hand on mine to stop me.

“Fine. But I have rules, too.”

“Go ahead.”

“You’ll go to all social activities with the band.”

“I have my uncle to care for. I can’t be at your beck and call.”

“You’ll come to as many social activities as possible. You’ll pretend to be besotted with me. And you won’t use your uncle as an excuse to hide away.”

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