Page 93 of The Boss

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“Did I go too far?” I asked. “With what I said to you?”

“Do you even have to ask that?” she said before waving her hand at my crotch, which was soaking wet and glistening with her cream. “When I practically drowned you in cum?”

I huffed out a laugh and collapsed on my back again before tugging on her arm. “Come here.”

She curled up against me, sliding under my arm and resting her head on my chest as I stroked her back. “Do you really think those things when I walk into your office at work?”

“Yes,” I said. “Every damn time.”

“I wish I could kneel at the office for you,” she admitted. “I wish I could be your good girl every day. It makes me feel… quiet and peaceful and right.”

I kissed her forehead, holding her tighter against my body as she traced circles on my chest with her fingertips.

“I have more confidence now,” she said, her voice quiet. “I care less about what people think of me, and I think that’s because of you. For the first time in my life, I have…”

“What?” I asked.

She sat up, hugging her knees and smiling at me. “Nothing, I’m being weird.”

“You’re not being weird,” I said.

She glanced at the alarm clock on my nightstand. “We still have forty minutes left in our play session. Do you want to have a shower with me, and I’ll give you a blow job?”

I sat up. “Stay the night with me.”

She hesitated, and something dark and painful twisted in my stomach, but I forced a smile. “I’ll text the sisters and let them know we’re doing an overnight session.”

“No,” she said. “I’ll stay, but only if you don’t pay me for it. I don’t want money to stay the night with you. Okay?”

Maybe I should have argued, maybe she was only being polite and thinking she had to make a bit of a fuss about being paid to spend the night, but I didn’t argue. The relief was too strong, and the spark of hope deep in my chest refused to be extinguished.

“Okay,” I said. “But you’re still giving me that blow job in the shower, good girl.”

She laughed and leaned over to kiss my chest. “Whatever you say, sir.”



“You’ll be wrinkled like a prune if you stay in that tub much longer.”

I cracked open an eye and grinned at Deacon. “Worth it.”

He laughed and leaned over to kiss my forehead. “What do you want for lunch?”

“You don’t have to make me lunch,” I said as I sat up in the tub. “Are you finished working?”

He nodded and took my hands, helping me stand and then step out of the tub. He wrapped a gloriously fluffy towel around my body and brushed his mouth against mine. “I finished reviewing the numbers and chatted with Richard. He and the team will work on them and should have draft statements to me by the end of the week.”

“That’s great,” I said.

“It is. We’re on track for finishing on time,” he said. “Once year end is done, I’ll help Aiden find a new CFO and move on to my next contract.”

“What if you can’t find a new CFO before your next job?” I asked.

“I will,” he said confidently. “I haven’t told Aiden this, but I’m recommending Richard for the job. Richard thinks he doesn’t have enough experience, which he doesn’t, but he knows this company inside out, and he’s damn smart. He can handle the job.”

I hid my relief. I liked Richard a lot and worked well with him, and having Richard as the CFO would make my job much easier.
